What's your PO2?

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I'm up with that. So, if you put pure O2 in your SpareAir, will you die on deco?

It depends . . . is your mask on your forehead?
I wasnt aware the reason for helium use is for the purpose of DCS risk decrease. From what I understand it can, in fact, actually increase the risk of more serious DCS.

Well, some (myself included) think that helium helps reduce DCS is used properly. However, botching the deco can have some serious effects, as well.
Why jack the ppO2 on the bottom phase at all? So you have ~5-10mins more deco, big whoop just do some extra time.
deco weenery
there haven't been any responses that don't amount to shaving a tiny amount of deco or saving money
Alright, I'm an NDL diver who would push a gentle 1.8 max depth for the right reason(s). My non-deco IANTD Nitrox training was 1.6/1.8. Still a 3 minute SS and tank price unchanged.
there haven't been any responses that don't amount to shaving a tiny amount of deco or saving money

Maybe if you took your fingers out of your ears and stopped chanting "lalala deco weenery lalala nickel rocketry lalala internet heroes lalala idiots lalala superdivers lalala" you might hear some
based on my experience (I actually died few times of OxTox) I am now more concerned about the actual CNS % value (that I try to keep < 80%) than the PO2 absolute value per se.

Having said that, on OC I might allow a PO2 of 1.6, but when on CCR I program the Predator Set Point H to <1.2 (and I descend slowly)

Alberto (aka eDiver)

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