What's your honest opinion? [No debating allowed]

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I said I would not get involved in these discussions but seeing as everyone is being so nice so far.....

No doubt about it - Saddam is a nasty piece of work and the world will be a much better place without him.

Having said that I don't think any country has a right to go in and cause havoc - I think the Iraqui people have paid enough already. I believe if the US and any allies do it will do nothing to enhance their reputation with the muslim world.

If (when) there is a war (interesting the Rumsfeld says it has already started and Hoon says it hasn't and they are the two closest allies?!) it will be nothing more than a live fire exercise - something akin to the retreat from Kuwait and the Apache arcade game. Thousands will have their lives affected if not killed and most of them innocent - I include the Iraqui Army whole by in large would rather be home trying to help their families but have been conscripted.

My Scottish history professor said that all we are doing now is "wog bashing"

When there was a local uprising in the 18th and 19th century English Empire, they would send in the army, usually Scots, to go and put it down. This was called wog bashing, and it was a usual practice of the time. It appeased the politicians and the general public and if a few privates had their heads blown off, well that’s what they were for (according to those in power at the time)

things are different now, so somebody please tell Bush
except for the pull all of our troops out and leave Iraq. There is no way my buddy died for nothing. We should make it one big parking lot. Ya thats right I'm still pissed off.
For what its worth, here's a perspective from an American living in Canada on the Iraq situation.

So, I will not specifically include my own opinion in this, but this is what I observe living here in Canada on Iraq situation. Keep in mind that this is just what I have observed and certainly will not reflect all Canadian's opinion.

My situation: I work for a very large military defence contractor from the US. I manage a team that test Air Traffic Control Systems for International Clients. One of our current clients is the the Canadian Military. So, I work with people who have a mindset that is not against military action. This being said, I have observed and heard opinions from the people I work with that form this outlook.

In my experience the majority of Canadians believe that the agression on Iraq should await UN backing. Until such backing is given, the US should focus on the criteria that make or break the decision to progress towards agression as a unified force. Progression without the unified force makes the US look as not only the agressor, but the bully. We all know that the US can flatten Iraq like a bug at any time.

This is not to say that Canadians think Sadam is a good guy, by far the whole world knows that this guy is a sadistic lunitic. But, there is a reason why the UN was created and why the members work towards concensus with respect to waging war on a country that is not already engaged in warfare against a UN member. Canadian's I believe want the US to follow the process first and then the country's blessing and its military resources will assist the effort wherever possible

That's the way one person sees it here in a small slice of a large country.

It is very courageous and easy to post, a option, but what if you were the president of the USA?

And what would you do based on 9/11

and your reasonability for the people of the world

and the US......?

Something to think about....

Is it not.....

I studied Political Science in college. NEVER, NEVER, go in alone.

Come on...play nice! Remember that we are all friends here comming together to share a common interest, not to squabble over political differences.
Thank you everyone who has given me your opinons and views. They have helped trumendously. No doubt I will get an "A" and my straight succession of "A"s will continue on.
If this thread gets pulled b/c of arguing, only one person is going to be the worse off...Amber.

She politely and considerately asked for everyone's individual opinions...and per Spectre's request, once you have stated your opinion, you should feel free to move on.

Amber needs an A...Free Amber!!!
I respectfully submit that if Amber wants an A she can attain it in many ways. Appeal to the position of the teacher, presentaion of an eloquent though incorrect analysis, or, what I humbly consider preferential, through carefully researched and written argumentation backed up by the facts.
OK, I'm gone from this thread now. Ciao.
Amber, good luck with the class.

I spent over 6 months in the first Desert Storm movie. I don't want to go back and have not found enough threat existing to cause and agressive move. Give the inspectors more time, maybe up to a year to discover what Sadam has had 10 years to hide. "Allies" who will not support us do not deserve our support. Pull all support "money" from countries that don't back our position and leave them to their own means. Begin collecting the debt that those countries owe us.
I have become quite the isolationist!
Whats going to happen is I will go if called; I will do what is necessary; I will freely give my life to save any other GI if the situation exists; I will give my life to obtain an objective if needed (although not real willingly); I will gripe about my food and living condition (its a soldiers God given right), but will not say a negative word about this country sending me over there.
As you can tell I don't agree with what is happening but will do as my country (leaders) request.


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