What's you fav after dive food ???

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A nice Chinese meal followed by a fortune cookie/surprise desurt


May your projectile vomitting go forever away from you!:out:
...is that like Mutton and Leeks in a hot spicy sauce?
I was told it was a traditional Welsh recipe?
..roast beef on white with lettuce and russian dressing. One or 3 beers. (nice and cold)
On Catalina, at the dive park, they have this fill trailer. We all still call it the truck (years ago it was..flat tires and all) and they sell the little Martinelli's apple juice bottles.

For me, now, no dive is complete without that shot of ice cold apple juice. Drop the cylinder for a fill, get a juice, consume it on the SI. Its a part of every dive I do there, now. And the funny thing is, I dinf that I miss it when diving someplace else.

Honorable SI mentions:

* Aquafina...no other water will do. 1 Liter between dives. I gotta get a P-valve soon, tho. I'm getting too old these days... (I know...TMI)

* Black Cherry Clif bar...yummers. (sub in Lemon Luna bar in a pinch)

* Any kind of melon...

Post dive I have no specific cravings. But on the SI, I am in serious jones for the above. What a cool thread...you guys crack me up.

Diet Coke--the nectar of the gods. It goes great with everything!
Nothing better than the Lobster I just snagged or the fish I just speared. If I strike out on both us those a big juicy cheeseburger will do the job. Whichever it is though, it has to be washed down with an ice cold beer. :)
When we were in Japan we used to stop at this little place and get Ramen, it was only like $4 for a nice big warm bowl.

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