What's you fav after dive food ???

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...you certainly wouldn't be the first,

but i like to bring those frozen bite sized pastas like ravioli or tortolini--boiled and packed in a cooler pre-dive

carb loading for warmth
and cheese for YUM!

unfortunately they do tend to contribute to that, ah, intrinsic positive bouancy factor.

Originally posted by Dougz
Meat Pie Explanation:

Sounds like a Swansons Chicken Pot Pie. :out: :D
I love this thread. Or do I just love food?

I like Kentucky Fried Chicken after diving cause it is on the way home from the local Scuba Park....

6 Chicken Strips and a Large lemonade!!!

Nothing better....
Hmmmmm! Usally a big burger with the works, or a nice juicy steak, or Mexican! although pizza sounds good, DOH! Now I'm hungery and can't make up my mind on what to eat.

... then the first thing you do when you hit the surface after a dive is...
............eat a large inanimate object... boat, buddy anything as long as it is filling!:D
After a dive, I always get a hankerin for Fig Newtons. Only problem is, I hate fig newtons!!

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