When going diving, I bring 2 or 3 of those juice drinks in the foil pouches, with the straw that's attached to it, and that you poke through to drink (for that day's dives). It maintains a very good seal around the straw, and no sea water gets in. While down under, I stop and drink one, exchanging the regulator for the straw. It works out great, and avoids that annoying dry mouth.
AFTER diving, we usually stop at Burger King, just down the road from the Jeddah "beach resorts." Everyone orders different things, but that's a favorite after-dive hangout. Just have to time it right. In Saudi Arabia, all places close 5 times a day for Muslim prayer call.
AFTER diving, we usually stop at Burger King, just down the road from the Jeddah "beach resorts." Everyone orders different things, but that's a favorite after-dive hangout. Just have to time it right. In Saudi Arabia, all places close 5 times a day for Muslim prayer call.