What's the best hand held light available - need opinions.

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I guess it depends what your definition of advice is.

I wrote things like....
You could do worse than looking at.....
......i suppose

In order do demonstrate that i'm theorizing. I started some posted "advice" with the words

i honestly dont know

purely to show just that. I think you definition of advice is what many of us would call instruction. No bad thing since it's comming from your 5000 plus dives, if it was warrented or requested.

I also dont think that your really read my posts before getting upset because you seem to think that i was in favour of push buttons. No so.

Perhaps the script is a little difficult to read from all the way up in your ivory tower?

If you are offended by my opinions (or as you refer to them "advice") please dont read them and I'll afford you the same curtosy.

If you get time please re-read the thread with out the ego clouding your judgement and realise a simple truth. Given the number of pro intova opinions; those neutral; and those voices against who is SC's fan base in this instance? Those heady professionals that ARE scuba today, or their customers?

Perhaps there's a forum for only those employed in the dive industry, who have infinity dives and the same number of unquivering attitudes to tell each other what to do.
Perhaps i WONT be joining that one.

I dont think Mag lights are depth rated (none of the ones i own are) and i'm on my second retractor "if it helps"?

This isn't about my number of dives or egos or "ivory towers." Your accusations and insults are a simple, emotionally-based, knee-jerk reaction to my comments about ptxy's challenge. He said to me, "You should do more research first," and I told him that, "I HAVE done the research - personally... And this is what I found. This is what I find every day..."

If you'd like to step into this and accuse my ego or whatever - it still doesn't change what I was saying... That I (or we) find the switches to be problematic and a failure point. Same with retractors. If someone asked about lights (and they did), I (or we) would tell them to go with a Heser Backup... With a nod towards Photon Torpedos or even the LED 700 like I said above.

...Now why you've got to turn that around and talk about ME, then claim "ego" and "ivory tower," I have no idea.

Can we keep the discussion on lights?
I have to agree with dantheengineer, Intova as good solid back up lights. I have several both the slide switch and the rear push button switch. Both are good solid lights, I picked up the rear switch as slide mount slide switch would activate going through restrictions and you cannot see the light when it is on facing down the harness.. switching to the rear switch problem went away.

My primary is DV Can. use intova as back up only. one of the better on the market for durability and amount of lumens it puts out

the new version of intova rear switch is about 1.5 inches shorter then the first gen. Intova. never had a problem with push button switch flooding at all to date.

as another poster mentioned camera housing's have push buttons and to date i have not had a flood with push buttons with my S&S MDXD300.

everyone has the own opinions and all org. post wanted to know was opinion on lights

just my 2 psi
No knee jerk and no offense taken. I VERY much value your thoughts, you and others with so much experience here ARE the scuba industry.

Just.......so are we.

So DONT feel you can bully me and those like me for having reasons for our actions that you dont agree with or understand, we ARE qualified to give opinions based on our experience. As you are to your level of yours.

Many of us wont use the flash lights every day until they break. Personally i try to night dive a couple of times a week at least. I also carry my lights on day dives (average about three per weekend last year) We simply dont need the quality and longevity you in the industry do.
Plus! Like i say i'm on both my second light of this type and second retractor. It's a $50 light with a $12 retractor.

So then? What is the best hand held back up light for me? See above.

And accept it as an opinion or have me removed from the board. I'd rather not be here anyway if i have no voice.

Is reading (but not daring to post) on and off for 10 years whilst collecting 5000+ dives, then buying a dive company the rite of passage? Then please tell me to go now!! I do this for recreation i could've taken up golf!

Anyway, I am out night diving tonight, as per your good advice, with my choice of lights as per mine.

Good luck all.
However experienced you are.
If you'd like to step into this and accuse my ego or whatever - it still doesn't change what I was saying... That I (or we) find the switches to be problematic and a failure point. Same with retractors.

Apologies about my somewhat knee-jerk reaction, but this is not what you said.

You said:

Push buttons don't work underwater.

Which is just false. Some push buttons behave the way you described for sure, but then some twist bezels don't handle pressure really well either and turn themselves on as you descend.

Is even a good push buttons a potential failure point compared to a good twist bezel? Probably. Is Intova implementation fool proof? I dunno, I haven't tried to pry one open (yet). Are Intovas the perfect light for all kind of diving? Certainly not. There are more reliable lights, there are more powerful lights, there are lights with a broader beam (which seems to be what the OP was asking for).

But claiming they just won't work is misleading - or at least in the same category that 'split fins will kill you'.

(And yeah, I happen to agree with you on retractors).
Have you looked at the led scout back up lights by Halcyon? they are a nice comfortable light!!
No knee jerk and no offense taken. I VERY much value your thoughts, you and others with so much experience here ARE the scuba industry.

Just.......so are we.

You're all right, Dan. :)

So DONT feel you can bully me and those like me for having reasons for our actions that you dont agree with or understand, we ARE qualified to give opinions based on our experience. As you are to your level of yours.

Aw, heck... I didn't mean to sound like I was bullying... Apologies if that's the way I came across.

Is reading (but not daring to post) on and off for 10 years whilst collecting 5000+ dives, then buying a dive company the rite of passage? Then please tell me to go now!! I do this for recreation i could've taken up golf!

"Rite of passage?" Funny. :)

"Curse," maybe. :D Can't go anywhere anymore without diving. :)

I didn't buy the dive company, though... I started it from scratch. It was a very long couple of years before things started happening... Still is. :)

Anyway, I am out night diving tonight, as per your good advice, with my choice of lights as per mine.

*Respect* Dan. :) Anyone diving right now rather than runnin' their jibs is alright by me. :)
Have you looked at the led scout back up lights by Halcyon? they are a nice comfortable light!!

+1 for the same reasons as the LED 700, Heser Backup, and Photon Torpedo...
But claiming they just won't work is misleading - or at least in the same category that 'split fins will kill you'.

(And yeah, I happen to agree with you on retractors).

Okay, okay, okay... :)

Split fins WILL kill you, though. :) Just kidding. :)

I think I'm going to invent a fin with TWO splits in it and market it as "twice as fast and half the effort as a single split fin..."

...Then I can take my pushbutton light, crunchy retractor and double-split fins and swim away to my ivory tower. :D

You guys are alright. :)

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