I guess it depends what your definition of advice is.
I wrote things like....
You could do worse than looking at.....
......i suppose
In order do demonstrate that i'm theorizing. I started some posted "advice" with the words
i honestly dont know
purely to show just that. I think you definition of advice is what many of us would call instruction. No bad thing since it's comming from your 5000 plus dives, if it was warrented or requested.
I also dont think that your really read my posts before getting upset because you seem to think that i was in favour of push buttons. No so.
Perhaps the script is a little difficult to read from all the way up in your ivory tower?
If you are offended by my opinions (or as you refer to them "advice") please dont read them and I'll afford you the same curtosy.
If you get time please re-read the thread with out the ego clouding your judgement and realise a simple truth. Given the number of pro intova opinions; those neutral; and those voices against who is SC's fan base in this instance? Those heady professionals that ARE scuba today, or their customers?
Perhaps there's a forum for only those employed in the dive industry, who have infinity dives and the same number of unquivering attitudes to tell each other what to do.
Perhaps i WONT be joining that one.
I dont think Mag lights are depth rated (none of the ones i own are) and i'm on my second retractor "if it helps"?
I wrote things like....
You could do worse than looking at.....
......i suppose
In order do demonstrate that i'm theorizing. I started some posted "advice" with the words
i honestly dont know
purely to show just that. I think you definition of advice is what many of us would call instruction. No bad thing since it's comming from your 5000 plus dives, if it was warrented or requested.
I also dont think that your really read my posts before getting upset because you seem to think that i was in favour of push buttons. No so.
Perhaps the script is a little difficult to read from all the way up in your ivory tower?
If you are offended by my opinions (or as you refer to them "advice") please dont read them and I'll afford you the same curtosy.
If you get time please re-read the thread with out the ego clouding your judgement and realise a simple truth. Given the number of pro intova opinions; those neutral; and those voices against who is SC's fan base in this instance? Those heady professionals that ARE scuba today, or their customers?
Perhaps there's a forum for only those employed in the dive industry, who have infinity dives and the same number of unquivering attitudes to tell each other what to do.
Perhaps i WONT be joining that one.
I dont think Mag lights are depth rated (none of the ones i own are) and i'm on my second retractor "if it helps"?