What's it like to live in FL?

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Home prices, traffic, cement, New Yorkers, proximity to ocean, what about insurance? SE coast, I am paying approx. $1/sq.ft per year, then add another couple hundred for flood insurance, and I live 8 miles inland! Those along the coast will pay thousands for flood/hurricane/whatever. Oh, and good luck even getting insurance. Most companies are not writing new policies. Those up north or west in last years hurricane central, wait till your insurance is due, and make sure you are sitting down when you open the envelope. The state has set up a "catch all" type insurance for the uninsurable (those that have been dropped, or can't get a policy), that amounts to paying a lot of $$, for not much insurance, a high deductable and 2% hurricane damage deductable!

And on the west coast, you have the whole sinkhole scare, so most companies won't write over here, either. My homeowner's insurance doubled from last year, and I didn't even file a claim after a tree fell on it during Jeanne...or maybe it was Frances...who can remember?? We just fixed it ourselves because our hurricane deductible is so high. We are in the state insurance program because of sinkholes.
I read this thread and didn’t see any mention of the Keys. A most glaring oversight! It is the state’s crown jewel.

Best weather- warmest place in the winter, coolest place in the summer, and driest year round (but rain comparable to Nor Cal). I never turn on the AC in my house, patio doors in every room allow the ocean breeze to comfort on all but the rarest windless day.

Best quality of life- small town where everyone knows everyone, slow pace with no rat race, laid back lifestyle, there’s no daily traffic jam. You can walk into the mayor’s office without appointment; people stop to chat in the grocery store.

Best culture- not in terms of symphonies, museums, and the like, but in terms of people: intelligent, creative, enlightened- the Keys attract the best of ‘em. Plenty of great restaurants.

Best (read: least) growth- the population hasn’t increased the way it has throughout the rest of the state, and there won’t be any more sprawl. Monroe County has anti development regs that make the CA Coastal Commission seem easy. If it ain’t built yet, it prolly never will be.

Best part about the Keys- folk’s attitudes: they’re seriously committed to taking time to smell the roses. Worst part about the Keys- it helps if you’re rich.

Ps: Background on my perspective: I love the Bay area. Spent half a dozen years in SF and Oakland. If I ever make enough money to buy a second home, that’s where it will be.
"I hear many people complain that there is no "culture" in Florida, especially those from New York and Chicago. I guess if that means there are no pricy art shows, theater, martini bars, etc... they are right. I live in a little beach town on the south west coast. If you are not into fishing, diving, boats, being very laid back, sunsets, nature, etc... then I expect you would say there is no culture here. My world revolves around the Gulf of Mexico, travel to other dive destinations, fishing, and I work a little too. I love that kind of culture. If you are looking for a progressive world like SF or being on the cutting edge like Newport or Manhattan Beach, CA then Florida is probably not for you."

as a recent transplant from manhattan beach,ca i have to say i like florida better but thats because southern california is critically overcrowded. i knew it was time to move when i was the only one of my coworkers at northrop who weren't doing a 2 hr commute. sure from the few months ive been here so far its not as artsy here although you do have a really REALLY cheap seafood festival on marathon and other artsy fairs in the keys. i havent gone much further north than miami and havent gotten out to miami beach yet. theres artsy stuff out in key west though.

the skies are BEAUTIFUL here, the water off the keys from islamorada on down is BEAUTIFUL. another hobby of mine is tropical and exotic fruit which you guys have tons of. the water is warm enough to go in without your balls dropping off from frostbite gangrene. id say florida was more laid back than california but not as much as hawaii. you have easy access to the caribbean, europe, south america. everythings too damn far from the west coast. you have an active amazing ecosystem in the everglades unlike anything from the desert of california. i see new wildlife all the time. this place isnt a block of concrete 2 hrs in every direction like los angeles is. all groceries are cheaper, rent is cheaper, mere morals can afford houses.

if you want completely artsy go for san francisco but good luck finding a job or an apartment larger than a postage stamp for anything less than an insane amount of money. but i will admit the exploratorium is really REALLY COOL.
I do understand how you feel. Like I wrote earlier, I'm a native Californian. I've been here my whole life and, honestly, I can count on one hand how many other native Californians I've met over the course of my lifetime. I wouldn't be surprised at all if we top FL as the number 1 "transplant state" in the country.

Heck, I'll take any parking spot I can get no matter where I go around here, much less the beach.

more later...li'l girl is skip roping and I'd like to see her live another day... heh

ill agree with that having just moved from manhattan beach, ca to homestead, fl.
the difference is though that california has accepted the fact that everyones a transplant and florida hasnt accepted that fact yet. you dont talk about where youre from in california, in florida you do.
:lol: thats cause there are some of us who are really natives here still and it just never ceases to amaze us that other places were sooooooooooo populated and then this many folks left and those places are still populated and we're now crowded out of our fishin holes and huntin stands. :)
Maybe, JUST Maybe .... this will help put things in perspective.
(In other words, good humor that plunked itself in my mailbox and was too good Not to pass along to the locals)

Mattel recently announced the release of limited edition Barbie dolls
for the South Florida market.

*Boca Raton** Barbie*: This princess Barbie is only sold at the Town
Center Mall. She comes with an assortment of Kate Spade handbags, a
Lexus SUV, a longhaired foreign lap-dog named Honey, and a cookie-cutter
dream house with lawn service. Available with or without tummy tuck and
face-lift. Workaholic ex-husband Ken comes with a Porsche.

*Coral Springs** Barbie*: This modern-day homemaker Barbie is available
with Ford Windstar mini-van and matching gym suit. She gets lost easily
and has no full-time occupation or secondary education. Traffic-jamming
cell phone sold separately. Can swear in English and Spanish.
Available at Target.

*Riviera*Beach** Barbie*: This recently paroled Barbie comes with a 9mm
handgun, bowie knife, a '78 El Camino with dark tinted windows, and a
meth lab kit. This model is only available after dark and can only be
bought with cash, preferably small bills, unless you are a cop, then we
don't know what you are talking about.

*Palm Beach** Barbie*: This yuppie Barbie comes with your choice of BMW
convertible or Hummer H2. Included are her own Starbucks cup, credit
card set, and country club membership. Also available are Shallow Ken
and Spanish-speaking Nanny.

*Acreage** Barbie*: This pale model comes dressed in her own Wrangler
jeans two sizes too small, a classic Metallica shirt, and Tweety Bird
tattoo on her shoulder. Wants to major in NASCAR. She has a six-pack of
Coors Light and a Hank Williams, Jr. CD set. She can spit over 5 feet
and kick mullet-haired Ken's *** when she is drunk. Purchase her pickup
truck separately and get a confederate flag bumper sticker absolutely
free. Available at Big Lots & Dollar General Stores.

*Lake Worth** Barbie*: This tobacco chewing, brassy-haired Barbie has a
pair of her own high-heeled sandals with one broken heel from the time
she chased Beer-Gut Ken out of Lake Worth Barbie's house
(discontinued). Her ensemble includes low-rise acid-washed jeans, fake
fingernails, strawberry lip-gloss, and a see-through halter-top. Comes
with Barbie's dream doublewide trailer. Available at Wal-Mart. Cheap.

*Fort Lauderdale** Barbie:* This collagen injected, rhinoplastic Barbie
wears leopard print Spandex and drinks cosmopolitans to new age music
with friends at the martini bar. Comes with Percocet prescription and
botox injections.

*Lantan***** Barbie:* This Barbie now comes with a stroller, infant doll
and bible. Optional accessories include a G.E.D. and bus pass.
Gangsta Ken and his '79 Caddy were available, but are now very difficult
to find since the addition of the infant. Available at any Christian

*Delray Beach** Barbie*: Is pregnant, drives a new Ford Excursion, and
is perfect in every way. Worships the sun by day and strolls down the
Avenue by night. We don't know who Ken is because he's always in North
Florida or Georgia hunting or on a business trip. Delray Beach Barbie
aspires to become Boca Raton Barbie. Not cheap, but still very naive.

*North Miami** Barbie*: This Spanish-speaking-only Barbie comes with a
1984 Toyota with expired temporary plates and three babies in the back,
without car seats. This is the only Barbie willing to do manual labor.
Ken comes in a meat-packer's uniform and is missing three fingers on his
left hand. Green cards are not yet available for the northern Miami
Barbie or Ken.

*South Beach** Barbie/Ken*: This versatile doll can be easily
converted from Barbie to Ken by simply adding or subtracting the
"snap-on" parts. Likes to experiment." Comes with bikini and club wear
(sunglasses can be worn with both). Techno music collection and Glow
sticks included. South Beach Rave Club sold separately for all night fun!
Home prices, traffic, cement, New Yorkers, proximity to ocean, what about insurance? SE coast, I am paying approx. $1/sq.ft per year, then add another couple hundred for flood insurance, and I live 8 miles inland! Those along the coast will pay thousands for flood/hurricane/whatever. Oh, and good luck even getting insurance. Most companies are not writing new policies. Those up north or west in last years hurricane central, wait till your insurance is due, and make sure you are sitting down when you open the envelope. The state has set up a "catch all" type insurance for the uninsurable (those that have been dropped, or can't get a policy), that amounts to paying a lot of $$, for not much insurance, a high deductable and 2% hurricane damage deductable!
What about property taxes?

In order to know who much property taxes are you would have to be able to afford property! Here in South East florida we have friends who bought their house for 85,000 ten years ago and just sold it to move to South Carolina, they got 400,000 for it in 10 days. They paid all their bills, and bought a house for cash in SC...

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