Three image-related threads have been added to the Frequently Asked Questions forum:
FAQ - Inserting Images in Posts
Inserting Images in Posts A picture is worth a thousand words Or, as @The Chairman would say:useless: The first step is finding an image you want to include in you post. Images that are already on the Internet can be copied and pasted into into your post. Right-Click on a PC, or...
FAQ - Image Resizing & Text Wrap-around
Image Resizing & Text Wrap-around :FAQnew: New in ScubaBoard 2021 Step 1: Insert the image into your message editor (usually with Copy & Paste) Step 2: Click on the image, which displays "square handles" on the corners, and click & drag to the size you want. It also displays the menu at...
FAQ - Screen Capture Tools
Screen Capture Tools Have you ever seen an image in your Internet Browser or elsewhere on you computer screen that you wanted to include in a post on ScubaBoard? It is really easy with these screen capturing tools. :FAQwindows: Microsoft Windows 10 Snip & Sketch is included in Windows 10 and...