What're your five favorite movies?

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My five and the quotes that make them my five best

1. Kelly's Heros ... it's a mother beautiful bridge Moriarity ..and its gonna be there...
2. Caddy Shack I ... The world needs ditch diggers too Danny...
3. Patton ....thats gonna take a mighty thick rug General...
4. Trading Places ....may I suggest using your night stick officer...
5. Life of Brian ... what have the Romans ever done for us ...well they did give us roads, libraries, aquaducts ...Right! ..aside from that what have the Romans ever done for us

I'll throw in a bonus
6. Stripes ... com'on its Czechoslovakia we slip in ..we slip out ...just like Wisconsin!
A tough choice... but here goes:

1. The Thing from another world (1950) This movie set the script for many sci-fi pictures to follow i.e. trapped, nowhere to go, and something "higher on the food chain" after you.
2. Zulu (1964) 3 hours of non-stop action depicting the battle of Rourke's Drift, one of the most incredible battles ever fought. A testimony to British courage, resolve, and honor.
3. The Great Race (1965) Everything you can imagine in an Epic Comedy - The best pie fight, bar room brawl, sword fight, comedic love story...wackiest villain...
4. Jurassic Park (1993) This put CGI on the screen for good.
5. Starship Troopers (1997) Just plain great sci-fi for a Saturday night.
1) The English Patient hands down my top all time favorite, Ray Fiennes and Kristen Scott Thomas, amazing

2) Sideways (my idea of funny, realistic dorks: we all know guys like them)

3) Crash (I agree, everybody should see this, to get over your PC self))

4) Chocolat (me too, a Johnny Depp fan, truly an original)

5) Basic Instinct, maybe, I like Sharon Stone and a good thriller.
1) The English Patient hands down my top all time favorite, Ray Fiennes and Kristen Scott Thomas, amazing

2) Sideways (my idea of funny, realistic dorks: we all know guys like them)

3) Crash (I agree, everybody should see this, to get over your PC self))

4) Chocolat (me too, a Johnny Depp fan, truly an original)

5) Basic Instinct, maybe, I like Sharon Stone and a good thriller.

Noone has ever accused moi of being PC.

C Chris:
2. Zulu (1964) 3 hours of non-stop action depicting the battle of Rourke's Drift, one of the most incredible battles ever fought. A testimony to British courage, resolve, and honor.[/quote]

That's a good film. My highschool English teacher, Harvey Hallsmith, had a bit part in that movie...
1) Shawshank Redemption (for its message of hope and persistance)
2) The Mummy (love all the testosterone laden men in that one)
3) The Mummy Returns (ditto above adding The Rock)
4) My Cousin Vinny ("two yuts")
4) The Fifth Element (Bruce and I quote from that movie all the time)
In no particular order, here are mine:

On Golden Pond
The Princess Bride (If this list WERE ordered, this would be number 1)
Pretty Woman
Thelma and Louise
Rope and/or Rear Window - couldn't decide

After reading the lists above, I may have to give "The Prestige" another chance... started watching it on a plane, switched to my book about 30 minutes in as the movie seemed rather boring. I, too, enjoy endings I didn't see coming, and "No Way Out" would be my favourite of those...

Very hard to choose!

The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (the original - had to get the DVD :)) - love the story
Gorillas in the Mist: The Story of Dian Fossey - Reality check
Wizard of Oz - saw it every year growing up, it's part of me.
Hidalgo - Same thing, love the story behind it
Six days, Seven Nights...don't know why, but I can watch it over and over again..
Casino Royal, The 13th Warrior, Ray, Harry Potter movise....just to name a few more

At the very bottom of the list (going to the "I saw it and didn't like at all" end) I'd say there would be : The Fountain

I forgot "300"

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