Diver0001:You me *for* a million or *with* a million?
For a million I think I would do most things that didn't involve injuring anyone or ending up in jail.
With a million I think I would spend a lot more time on vacation.
I meant, if you were offered a million dollars for doing something you'd otherwise never consider, what would it be?
But what you would do with the $1 million is also an interesting speculation. I dreamed a couple nights ago that I had a windfall of $28 million. Hated to wake up from that one!!!!
Scubaculture, I've been to Storms River and watched the bungee jumpers. I'm not afraid of heights, but that doesn't look like it would feel very good. Maybe you're so psyched with the thrill of free fall that you don't notice the jolt at the bottom, or feel all the blood pounding in your head?
Once when I was at Vic Falls, on the Zambia side, a busload of Zambian high school students pulled up at the viewpoint. They watched the bungee jumpers in amazement. Finally one of the guys mused, "I wonder how much they pay them to do that. I might be willing to do it for the money."
I had to inform him that the jumpers were PAYING big bucks for the privilege. I don't think he ever quite believed me.