Hey Slick,
First of all, I apologize for not making it clear enough for you to follow - but in fact I was referring to the dozens, maybe hundreds of posts I've made in other threads recommending LeisurePro. Not the couple in this thread. Which I don't see as negative but in fact objective reality.
Second, let's break the rest of your comments.
In the rare event that the OP gets a defective product - or a recall is later issued during her warranty period - woouldn't it be a lot more convenient to go to her sons shop for a replacement/repair than sending it to Leisurepro? Admittedly chances are small but tell that to all the people who've been affected by scuba mfr's recalls. There's enough of them that we have a forum just for that at the top of our mfr's section.
And let's break down your "excellent deal".
The OP has stated that she plans to dive 10-15 more years. And previously used her Mares for about the same interval. Without knowing one assumes that since she recently had it in for service when they found the cracks etc. - she may have routinely done annual/bi-annual service in the past. As do most divers.
I don't think scuba mfr's just made up 1-2 year service intervals without some data on the damage salt water/moving part wear potentially does to rubber and other parts. I find it kind of curious that Atomic, SP, and Aqualung all have a 2 year suggested interval now - it would seem that marketing a 5 year interval would sell more regs if one of them could support it. On a $500-1500 purchase I doubt they care much that their dealer makes $60 every couple of years servicing it.
The Micron is $250 at LP. Its' $495 list - I read somewhere AL allows 10% wiggle room for the dealers. Since the OP's son is one, let's say he can do that - so say she can get it for $450. She's stated she might dive 10-15 years more.
Recently someone posted what they paid to have their Titans? serviced - itemized their bill here. IIRC the service kit was $32 from their Aqualung Dealer. So the OP would pay $180 for service kits regardless of who did the work - her local dealer or Leisurepro - over 6 services. Which you and I both know probably aren't necessary but a lot of divers do it.
$250+$180 is $430. For $20 MORE over the life of her reg she could have a warranty for the first two years. Plus there's sending it back to LP if it does need to be replaced - vs. asking her son to replace it locally. Read the recall notices in our forum. Most start with "return to your local dealer for service under this recall" or similar. And I assume AL will continue to offer the kits at $32 a decade from now - bump that $5 a few years from now and the "deal" is actually a slight loss.
I can't speak for you but that's worth $20 to me.
Hey Slick Steve:
First, your comments on recalls are completely wrong. If there is a recall you just need to take the regulator to any authorized dealer for the change. You do not need to send it to Leisurepro.
Second, if there is something wrong with the regulator you just ship it back to Leisure Pro. Not such a big deal and LP would probably ship it back free. If it is a tuning issue then she could take it to the LDS where her son works. I have purchased regulators and BCs from them without incident.
Third, parts for life was not in your original posts but now you bring it up. What you are forgetting in your analysis is the time value of money so that $5 ten or fifteen years from now does not have the same purchasing power as $5 today. Also what if she takes a break from diving or misses a service? Then she is out of parts for life. This happened to me with my Conshelfs. The AL parts for life program requires the owner to bring the regulator to an authorized dealer EVERY YEAR for either an inspection or a rebuild. So depending on what the LDS charges for the "inspection" it could be less expensive to bring the reg in every two years for a rebuild. I would be interested to know the percentage of divers that use "parts for life" over time. Parts for life programs are a marketing tool made to sell regulators not to service them.
---------- Post added October 16th, 2015 at 04:26 PM ----------
Please call LP ahead for the best price!!!
The saving can be substantial eg. for an Oceanic Geo 2 computer the difference is $130.00!!!!
MAP means "minimum advertised price". They cannot advertise below that but they can deal. Most online shops will do this as long as the customer is not a PITA.