What motivates you?

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When I take my clothes off and go swimming in front of a whole group of fellow divers then i'm lucky when someone doesn't grab their camera to take pictures of the dudong.

THIS is completely within your control.

The guy I was talking about looks even BETTER with his shirt off than he does with it on (and he looks darned good with it on). But I'm sure a lot of gym hours have gone into achieving that.
THIS is completely within your control.

The guy I was talking about looks even BETTER with his shirt off than he does with it on (and he looks darned good with it on). But I'm sure a lot of gym hours have gone into achieving that.

Yeah I know. You know too.... A year ago I was training for marathon running.... Today I've gained 6kg (or maybe even more :shocked2:), my muscles need retraining and my self-image has suffered the blows of depression, self doubt and my beard turning grey .....

I have one thing to say about getting older.... F'K grey!!!

I hate it.

I'm working on running again and I'll be running a marathon next year (if it's up to me) but the fact is that working 40-60 hours a week, playing piano, raising children and trying to spend enough time with my wife means that the body I wish I had just *aint* happen'en... I wish I looked as hot as I did 20 years ago with my shirt off but the fact is that these days, I need to have it from my "great personality" because I'm not making anyone horny from a distance any more.....

and I hate that more than words can express. ....

I'm not making anyone horny from a distance any more.....

and I hate that more than words can express. ....


This is what motivates you? Wow! There are so many responses to this I'm not sure I even want to try.
I would say "look at my life".

Look at the risks.....

Look at the fear.....

Look at the injuries, the pain, the loss, the tension...

Look at the joy, the extacy, the love, the peace of mind...

Look at the adventure, the astounding adventure...

the solitude

the loneliness

the sacrifice

the loss

the gain

the vicious circle, the catch-22 and the escape from insanity

the decent into insanity... and deeper....

the children

the loss of self

the gain of self-knowledge

the pushing

the pulling

the wanting

the waiting

the life

the death

the wrong and right

the up and down

the left

and another left

and another and another.... So many lefts make a right....

An ear full of music... a brain full of concentration

148 IQ

Are you ready?

Play the piano.... make it sing

and again sing and talk

talk and sing




a normal life.... the most average of average....


In BLADE RUNNER, the movie, Rudger Hauer says, "I've seen starships on fire at the edge of Orion, and when I am gone, all those memories will be gone with me ... ."

Similar to your sentiments, Diver0001?
The key word here is youth. I pissed it all away (unwisely) gaining "wisdom and experience"...

Frankly, at this point I know that I have wisdom and experience but I'd gladly exchange that for being young, "tight" and "attractive" again.

I miss the 6-pack. I miss the muscles that made young women want to TOUCH that..... I'm now lost in a world of "second best" "second rate" etc.

I recently went travelling with a buddy of mine who is built to kill and beautiful..... He's 30. I'm 42. At his age, if he feels attracted to a woman that's "flattering". At my age, if I feel attracted to a woman that's "gross".

You might think that 42 isn't that old but I would suggest that at this age (and believe me because I'm not even ugly) it would be easier trying to walk to the moon on show-shoes than trying to attact a woman. Old farts like me still feel like men but we're seen as "old growth" -- impressive... magestic even.... wise and experienced but not in the least "attractive".

Call this a mid-life crisis. Because that's what it is..... My wife would probably think that this is rediculous but she may be the only woman on the planet who still dares to get into bed with me..... (which I don't mind because she runs marathons and is HOT...)

But think about that.....

Nobody gives a rat's patoot if you're experienced and wise.....


This world was made for the young and failing to look that straight in the face is a weakness....


Yes, 42 is actually quite young, indeed.

But everything is relative.

I remember (vaguely now) dating a girl who was 19 and who was stressing out about turning 20.:rofl3:
This is what motivates you? Wow! There are so many responses to this I'm not sure I even want to try.

Yeah well read up because what I mentioned before is what really turns me on. If you want me to really fall in love with you (general you) then you're going to need to reach me on the level of love or spirituality....

This last bit is sort of a private/public discussion between me and Lynne. The fact is that I've had a pretty rough year and I've had to come to grips on the short term with losing the attractiveness I've always had for women.....

It's clear that you havn't had to fact that yet so while it's easy to be philosophical about it, the reality is a lot sharper around the edges than you might expect....

Yes, 42 is actually quite young, indeed.

But everything is relative.

You can't me that much older than I am... can you?

Seems to me that I detect a mid-life crisis by you too.... or am I mistaken?

Yeah well read up because what I mentioned before is what really turns me on. If you want me to really fall in love with you (general you) then you're going to need to reach me on the level of love or spirituality....

This last bit is sort of a private/public discussion between me and Lynne. The fact is that I've had a pretty rough year and I've had to come to grips on the short term with losing the attractiveness I've always had for women.....

It's clear that you haven't had to face that yet so while it's easy to be philosophical about it, the reality is a lot sharper around the edges than you might expect....


It is funny that you say I haven't had to face that yet because I have my whole life. My father's family was all into the way someone looked. They were so much so that that is all they talked about. The last words I heard from my dear aunt whom I loved and cherished before she slipped into a comma was "When did you gain all that weight?" I was around 20 at the time. I kid you not. True story and this coming from someone who is suppose to love you, not a stranger you are trying to impress in order to feel good about yourself. I actually look better now than I did 20 years ago. My husband tells me that all the time. I think self-acceptance and confidence can make a person much more appealing and attractive than the same person who is down on themselves or constantly complaining about their looks, their age, etc.
So, what motivates you? And what role does scuba play in all of it?
SCUBA and travel have motivated me to pay my mortgage off by next year so I can do a lot more of it! :wink:
You can't me that much older than I am... can you?

Seems to me that I detect a mid-life crisis by you too.... or am I mistaken?


I went through that actually when I was a lot younger than you, at age 25.:)

Quit my job, back then, went to grad school, changed my career, and have lived happily ever after ever since.

As I told Denisegg, in the chat room, I am a lot older than the two of you. I even look a lot like Mick Jagger! Really old and wrinkly.:eyebrow:

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