What more do I need?

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I currently have a BC,
3mm wet suit,
6 ft long inflatiable singal tube.
I think thats it. I know I need a compass and possibly a light? Is there any other critical thing I need?

A budget for continuing ed.

Free time

and a Buddy!

Are you planning your dives with the tables, or buying some kind of computer? Some of the non air-integrated computers aren't terribly expensive, and will allow for longer dives due to using actual depth vs. the table which assumes you're always at your max depth.
Jelly fish lotion and vinegar/water in a spray bottle made us the saviors on the last trip when everyone got stung by pica or baby jellyfish/sea lice.
A Winning Lotto ticket!

A Dive computer (A real value if going deeper than 35ft)
Bottom Timer, tables

Log book

I currently have a BC,
3mm wet suit,
6 ft long inflatiable singal tube.
I think thats it. I know I need a compass and possibly a light? Is there any other critical thing I need?

In addtion to the other mentioned doodads and sundries...
Time, commitment, passion, buddies and if you are real lucky a mentor or two. Have a great time becoming a capable diver.
Does anyone have that spare air (the little canister with like 30 or 50 breaths in it)? I always thought that would be a good thing to have, but they are a bit pricy, and I dont have much more money to drop on scuba stuff righ tnow.
You're kidding, right? :D
At a depth where you would actually need something like that if
1. You haven't got a clue where your buddy is
2. You haven't paid attention to your spg
3. You can't swim to the surface
by the time you realize you are OOA and unhook the SpareAir you would have only a handful of breaths. Add to that the panic you would feel and your breathing rate would be off the scale. Chances are you would drown before you made it halfway to the surface. Save your money, pay attention to your guages and buddy, and use the savings for a camera or trip.
It never hurts to have a nice diving insurance policy, from the good folks at DAN.

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