Green Frog
The Conshelf 30 (Royal) 1st stage had from memory a 7/16 UNF HP outlet thread from the get go for the submersible pressure gauge. While the Conshelf XIV 1st stage at the time still had the 3/8 UNF thread
Only later did the Conshelf 14 and Conshelf 21 etc go over to the 7/16" HP Thread.
That corresponds with what I’ve experienced. The biggest complication after all these years since these regs were in current production is that I’m sure lots of people other than me have thought of a “better” combination than what came from the factory. So what we might encounter as a “set” now may be far different from original.
The Conshelf 21 I have came from the distributor with 1 HP port in 7/16” and 4 of the LP ports in 3/8”. Then I when got the SEA 1st (orphan - no hoses, 2nd stages, etc) with the 1/2” LP port, I was kinda surprised!
Following up from your previous post, is the Gates SAE 100R3 hose with the 1/2” ID hose that would have come on the Pro et al? Would they have “aged out” by now, or would that high end Gates rubber still be good?