I was thinking about buying 1 or 2 tanks and am wondering what the prevailing preferences are. I can get a great deal on a couple of LP95's from Piranha Dive Manu. and am wondering how you divers feel about that (and other) tanks.
I have Worthington X7-100 HP 100 cylinders and I really like them. For a difference of 2 pounds I get 25% more air than with an aluminum 80. The cylinder is 2.1 inches shorter and I can drop 5 to 6 pounds of lead.
The comparison between a Worthington LP 95 and an HP 100 is shown below
Air capacity LP 95 = 93.3 FT
3 HP 100 - 99.5 FT
Weight empty LP 95 = 41.9 pounds HP 100 = 33 pound
Buoyancy Empty LP 95 = -3 pounds HP 100 = -2.5
Buoyancy Full LP 95 = -10.1 pounds HP 100 = -10.0
Length LP 95 = 23.7 inches HP 100 = 24 inches
Diameter LP 95 = 8.0 inches HP 100 = 7.25 inches
Given the above characteristics I much prefer the the Worthington HP 100.
For the same weight and diameter as the LP 95 you can get and HP 119 and have 123 FT
3 of air instead of 93.3 FT
3. That amounts to almost 32% more air for for the same size cylinder.
Of course, all of the above analysis ignores the price differential between the deal you are getting on the LP 95s versus the cost of the Worthington HP 100 or HP 119 cylinders.