If you're going to be leading customers on dives that they paid for, I would get a very liberal computer, or a Perdix.
If I was your customer, paying you to lead me on a dive, and I had to end my dive early because your computer was about to put you into deco (because it was more conservative than mine), I would not be a happy customer.
If you think "well, if my customer has more NDL, then I'll just stay down and go into deco," then there are 2 issues. One, are you trained for deco? If you are not, then as a dive professional (which a DIve Master is), you should never exceed your training or certification limits - so, do not go into deco. A dive pro should be a good role model, in that regard (as well as adhering to agency standards that require such). And, two, if you go into deco, you put yourself in the position of not being able to surface immediately, if needed. When being paid to lead other divers on NDL dives, that is not appropriate, in my book. Also, it puts you in the position of POSSIBLY causing your computer to lock you out, impairing your ability to safely lead subsequent dives.
In the case of a pro, leading people on NDL dives, I feel like a Shearwater Perdix is the best option. You can adjust the gradient factors to match (roughly) the most liberal computers and the most conservative. And, it will never lock you out.
If you are just going to be a Dive Master assisting an Open Water instructor with classes, then I don't think it really matters much and you would probably be fine with the cheapest computer you can get. Personally, I have been considering getting a cheap console/computer to attach to a single tank reg set that I would dedicate just for use when teaching. I strongly prefer a wrist computer when actually diving for fun (or my own practice). But, the extra step of donning/doffing a wrist computer when I'm teaching in the pool or doing checkout dives in the quarry seems like a nuisance sometimes. Particularly since I wear a wetsuit even in the pool, so donning/doffing of the computer happens more often than if I just wore a rash guard. E.g. I have to doff then re-don my computer every time I need to go for a pee break.