What is a POV Warrior?
Use the report button at the bottom of each and every post to simply report them. You will continue to hijack a thread by discussing their boorish behavior in that thread.
/'pē ō vē wôrēər/
/'pē ō vē wôrēər/
- A POV Warrior is a member possessing a narrow or controversial "point of view"
- Uses every opportunity to turn, hijack or derail a thread to push their personal or agency agenda.
- Quite often they have no idea that they are doing this.
They should learn to listen when others complain about such behavior. While we expect conversations to wander a bit, the OP (Original Post or Poster) sets the subject for the thread and we kindly ask you to honor their intentions. If/when the OP complains, the mods are sure to take a close look.
Use the report button at the bottom of each and every post to simply report them. You will continue to hijack a thread by discussing their boorish behavior in that thread.
Use Report to correct broken links, typos, or make suggestions.