Beyond my normal buddy dive gear, I sling a pony. Which means that for every dive I have a rigged SMB/reel, slate, spare mask, and safety spool in my pockets, as well as a knife and shears on my waist and two lights on my chest straps. Granted, I do solo dives on mostly shallow reefs with little chance of entanglement (save for that octopus I thought about snagging for dinner).
why would you carry a spare mask?
Lots of experience and the knowledge and ability to get yourself out of any bad situation underwater. All the gear in the world isn't going to do you any good if you can't think through situations and resolve problems underwater. You may want to consider taking a course such as IANTD's Self-Sufficient Diver or SDI's Solo Diver course. I teach both and recommend IANTD's course over SDI's. It has more requirements in the standards. However, if you decide to take either course, interview the potential instructors carefully. Neither course will prepare you for solo diving, especially if done to the minimum standards.
Next he will be trying to convince you that taking an essentials course or a fundies course is necessary.

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