I'v been considering solo diving a lot recently. Soon I'll be moving to Florida and ill be losing the one of three divers that i fully trust with my life to be my dive partner. (the other two were my past instructors (who do live in Florida), and even though they are willing to be my dive partner, its just not always practical because there busy teaching)
So before i get off topic, my question is, what equipment do you solo divers suggest that I should have before I tackle solo diving for the first time?
There are some pieces of equipment that I know I will need.
-Safety Sausage.
-Extra source of air.( Or two or three)
-2 dive knives.
But is there anything else i'm missing? Anything that would be useful from personal experience?
Thanks in advance

So before i get off topic, my question is, what equipment do you solo divers suggest that I should have before I tackle solo diving for the first time?
There are some pieces of equipment that I know I will need.
-Safety Sausage.
-Extra source of air.( Or two or three)
-2 dive knives.
But is there anything else i'm missing? Anything that would be useful from personal experience?
Thanks in advance