What do you all do to liven up kind of boring dives?

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I live in an area where there is really only a bad quarry about an hour away and a pretty nice clear spring about 4 hours away (which is nice for photos but also rather small). So diving is limited. BUT I want to meet more local divers and routinely meet up with them. What do you do to spice up a boring dive where there just isn't much to see?
Find somewhere else to dive.

I considered the responses I would have seen on the other forum I frequent - and decided that "alcohol", "drugs", "kinky sex" would probably be amusing, but not particularly helpful.

So, going back to my serious answer "find somewhere else to dive"; use whatever social media you have, including this board, to talk to divers in your area - and ask them where they go.

Your profile says "Dallas", DFW will get you most places in the world without too much trouble.
A few suggestions:

1. Learn to blow air rings.
2. Practice perfect bouyancy control and weighting.
3. Make a number of transects noting fish and creatures along the way.

Back in the 1970's when I was doing lots of deep air deco dives we were always looking for boredom-killers while hanging off for hour+ decompressions. Ended up taking paperback novels down with us wrapped in plastic. While hanging on the deco line we would unwrap the novel, read a page, then tear it off and let it float away. Not exactly politically correct or environmentally friendly and we never got through an entire paperback as they were waterlogged junk at the end of the dive. I guess now you could put your smart phone in a waterproofed case and read downloaded stuff. 😁

My 2psi. M
Isn't there a missile silo dive site near you?

Also the large Army Corps of Engineers lakes in NW AR and SW MO (e.g., Bull Shoals Lake and Table Rock Lake) would make fun destinations for a three-day dive trip from the Dallas area, I think.

As a certified solo diver I am occasionally asked to be the "lost diver" in a rescue diver class. Talk about boring!

You can't move around or you'll never be "found" so you lie on the bottom waiting for ages to be rescued.

The most exciting thing to have happened on one of those outings was to watch a snail slowly move past. Something you wouldn't normally waste your time on.
Go with a group! I dive springs with a Facebook group - it's dive o'clock somewhere in Central Florida. Half the fun is seeing friends and going to lunch afterward.

I also practice bubble rings at safety stops or hanging out near the bottom. Practice bubble rings if you are bored. I believe PADI has a bubble artist speciality course, which is just totally whacked, but hey if you are really bored, have too much money and like to collect c-cards...

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