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I completely agree with you. People can differ without fighting about it. Or maybe I should say that people SHOULD be able to disagree without fighting, because sometimes on this board it doesn't seem that they actually CAN.

Yes, and that is a real pity.
... Whatever happened to "discussion" or "agreeing to disagree"? I'm not naïve enough to think that with over 100,000 members using this forum, differences of opinion aren't going to occur.
...but it's the way those differences have been expressed in some cases that have disillusioned me a bit and prevented me from asking many questions. I prefer to read rather than ask in case I'm made the target of someone's criticism, and not of the "constructive" variety.
... I am entitled to express my opinion ... I for one don’t think it's acceptable for someone to reply rudely to anyone, no matter how vehemently they hold to their opinion...... but can't we, as adults, demonstrate the "mutual respect" talked about in the TOS rather than having to resort to "moderation"?

Thanks for your time.

Just as you would get differences of opinion, criticism, rude comments, etc. in any city on the planet with over 100,000 people, the internet isn't any different. Internet interaction may even cause an increase in the mentioned behaviors, regardless of common ground and interests. I second NadMat's thoughts/comments.
The number of good replies and responses on this board far outnumber the rude, flames, and the crass. I find many humorous, in their absurdity. If there is anything I don't care for, I just bail out.
DandyDon almost always mentions the search function to new members. It's a nice way to find out if anyone has asked a particular question or started a topic before. Checking that may gain the info you desire or will at least let you know you are treading into murky waters by reading first. Shouldn't have to do this, but; like before, 100,000 people - it will occur.
Hope you enjoy the board and stick around. :coffee:
Hmm, yes there's always that too I suppose. And I am enjoying my diving! I just felt the need to say something as I know there are those of us who are put off by this "cyber-bullying" and that's a real pity because this board has some excellent information.

When I was an SB newbie I had a couple of run-ins with the TOS for stepping beyond bounds in a heated debate or two. I gave myself a time out from posting and came up with my 'pledge'. I think it helped me to become a better SB poster. YMMV :D
WOW, there was only one reply to the OP when I was typing my reply and I ended up at the end.
My typing skills SUCK!!!:shakehead:
It helps if you remember how many people are on scubaboard(over 100k members) and that most of them are respectful of others viewpoints.

This is a good point. I think it is human nature to notice the few bad apples more prominently than the many many good ones. I too have been put off on a few occasions by the "bad vibes". However, I then try to tell myself that I am the only one in control of how I feel about something.

"If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Not sure who first said this, but it is one of my personal mantras.

So, please stay and learn and love the sport with the rest of us who can manage to be respectful. Ignore the others.

Just as you would get differences of opinion, criticism, rude comments, etc. in any city on the planet with over 100,000 people, the internet isn't any different. Internet interaction may even cause an increase in the mentioned behaviors, regardless of common ground and interests. I second NadMat's thoughts/comments.
The number of good replies and responses on this board far outnumber the rude, flames, and the crass. I find many humorous, in their absurdity. If there is anything I don't care for, I just bail out.
DandyDon almost always mentions the search function to new members. It's a nice way to find out if anyone has asked a particular question or started a topic before. Checking that may gain the info you desire or will at least let you know you are treading into murky waters by reading first. Shouldn't have to do this, but; like before, 100,000 people - it will occur.
Hope you enjoy the board and stick around. :coffee:

I'll be sticking around don't worry. I was speaking up on behalf of a few people who are definitely put off by the attitude shall we say of the "vocal" minority. But you're right, they are absurd, and I'll have to learn to shrug it off and laugh at them more!
Overall, I find the people on this board to be friendly and considerate. The glass isn't half full here, it's 99.9% full. I learn a lot from spirited debate (some of it I believe actually saves lives), and I try not to mistake passion for rudeness.

Could things improve? Sure. But spend some time on rec.scuba and the posting here will read like a glass of ice water in the desert.

I do get confused when people complain about people who complain. :wink:

Here is an old thread I posted in 2005 http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/wh...ting-voice-you-arrogant-jerk.html#post1045335
When I was an SB newbie I had a couple of run-ins with the TOS for stepping beyond bounds in a heated debate or two. I gave myself a time out from posting and came up with my 'pledge'. I think it helped me to become a better SB poster. YMMV :D

I really like your pledge! That should be posted up as a "stickie" for everyone to read! :)
Overall, I find the people on this board to be friendly and considerate. The glass isn't half full here, it's 99.9% full. I learn a lot from spirited debate (some of it I believe actually saves lives), and I try not to mistake passion for rudeness.

Could things improve? Sure. But spend some time on rec.scuba and the posting here will read like a glass of ice water in the desert.

I do get confused when people complain about people who complain. :wink:

Here is an old thread I posted in 2005 http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/wh...ting-voice-you-arrogant-jerk.html#post1045335

I know the glass is 99.9% full, and I hope I wasn't coming across as complaining, but just expressing my opinion; I wanted to tell you how this newbie felt. I think it would be a great pity if anyone who wanted to learn was put off by another's rudeness. There is great passion here, and wonderful information, but my belief is that if someone new to diving is put off from posting here, then we have done that person a small injustice.

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