i got this idea from a more "international" forum... would like to make survey though a little closer to home
this counts if you're:
a) a pinoy diver - yes
b) dive the philippines a lot - yes
c) are from a different race but bleed san mig just the same - yes
d) know the answer to "bababa ba?" - definitely yes
what do you do for a living?
I'm a central bank of the philippines (now BSP) examiner/executive
how do you pay for your dives? I pay for it out of my salary; 4 mos. ago the BSP even increased our pay, hehe.
who do you have to sleep with to dive? no one, wife is diver too.
Hey jag, did raised an SMB for you as promised. Saw two sharks, eels, big trevallies, 2 big sweet lips, a giant crab in Mainit, Bahura and Caban (night dive).
Mainit was very unforgiving though, had to tough it out holding on to a rock and not get swept away. Was rewarded with two shark sightings, funny they were not moving but just hovering above us with the current running wild. Water would seep in my mask every time I look up at them. The water was making a howling sound, it was indeed a power dive. We cut the dive while we were still ahead, low on air signal was 1,000 psi. Dive time was 40 minutes, depth 93 ft. We were picked up at the middle of the channel.
Now sitting here in my office I would close my eyes and reminisce, i want to go back.