What Color Tank Should I Buy?

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Ez E

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Im buying a Catalina AL80 so I can more easily train in my buddies pool. Im tired of renting and would love to just have a tank at the ready. This is the first tank I have ever bought. Should I get a colored one? If so what do you guys like?
A painted tank is personal preference. I'd choose a brushed aluminum if I were buying aluminum, but ultimately a galvanized high pressure 100 steel would be my first choice over an aluminum since it would negate the need for added weight when skin diving and adds another 13 cu ft of gas.
A painted tank is personal preference. I'd choose a brushed aluminum if I were buying aluminum, but ultimately a galvanized high pressure 100 steel would be my first choice over an aluminum since it would negate the need for added weight when skin diving and adds another 13 cu ft of gas.

Back when money was an issue for me, I bought two Aluminum tanks for the price of one steel, and it didn’t even hold more gas. The same ratio can be found today. I dove them for over 20 years in cold water, I like steel tanks better, but I got to dive a lot more with the two Aluminum.
Back when money was an issue for me, I bought two Aluminum tanks for the price of one steel, and it didn’t even hold more gas. The same ratio can be found today. I dove them for over 20 years in cold water, I like steel tanks better, but I got to dive a lot more with the two Aluminum.
Poors. Ewww! 😂

I agree, whatever gets you under the water. And a pink AL80 might deter a thief so there's that.
Its seems the more natural finish is preferred. Didnt know they offered a shot blasted finish so I will look into that.

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