My interest is similar to the original poster's, I think. I occasionally dive around 80-100 feet when I dive (a minority of my dives, but it happens), usually EAN 32 but sometimes air.
My interest in such a course would be to gauge whether it would be worthwhile to use deco diving, and perhaps side-mount, to get more bottom time on those rare occasions I might benefit.
For example, though I'm mainly a 'pretty tropical coral reef & a few wrecks' diver, I'd like to hit the Oriskany some day. And I'd like to try the sand tiger shark wreck diving off coastal North Carolina. Don't know if I'll ever do either, but let's call it bucket list stuff.
In the 120 - 130, even down to 150 foot maybe, range, NDLs are pretty limiting. You buy plane tickets, pay charter costs, ride the boat all the way out & back...might be nice to stay down awhile. Maybe 20 minutes of finning around instead of 5?
But all my training is rec. I don't know how much deco. time it'd cost me to stay down an extra 10 or 15 minutes at depth. And what all gear hassles would be involved. Side-mount with a pair of 80's and a pony bottle of nitrox for accelerating deco.?
I've already got the Deep Diver cert., but I can see where Tec40 might be worth my time.
P.S.: Of course, a side-mount hardness costs money, learning to dive the new gear, all this for probably just a few lifetime see where adding the costs of Trimix would push this decision from 'Maaaaaaaaaaybe' over to 'Wow! No way!'