What Browser do you Use?

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Both IE and Netscape gave me fits on my machine. Downloaded Mozilla a couple days ago and all is well - no crashes.
well what i use depends on what im doing but i have just about all the major browsers loaded on my testing machine, but on all others i have NS 7 and IE 6.

also im gettting fed up with using IE lately because it seems like after a while that it does something wired and will only load part of the page and stop like its locked up, i know its not a hijack or a virus because i have it locked down on my side of the net, so its got to be a IE issue, thank goodness for NS

heres the list thats loaded on the machine i use for web testing of website.

IE 4.0
IE 5.0
IE 5.5
IE 6.0
NS 4.08
NS 4.78
NS 7
NS 7.01 (with the latest update)

basically everything below NS 4 are about the same thing just different variations but for web testing its always a good idea to check for minor items


SAFARI W/ OS X Panther 10.3.2
I use Opera 7.23 mainly and IE6 for the odd sites that opera cant render properly.

The original poster only seeing 0.2% opera could be artificially low - most installs of it, opera defaults to lying and telling the remote server its IE or Mozilla (to stop incompatible messages).
I run Mozilla 1.6 in windows and linux, just can't beat the pop-up stopper, and mail filter that comes with it.
I was about to start a new thread when I spotted this one - thought it better to resurrect it.

I have been using Mozilla Firefox for the last two weeks and I must admit that I am very happy with it. I am involved with development of Intranet solutions at work, so I have been locked into the IE way of thinking for a long time. It is a revelation to find tabbed browsing, pop-up blocking and built-in Googling in a "vanilla" web browser.

In case you are wondering why I have gone overboard with the formatting above - I have discovered an extension for Firefox that gives you BBcode (the code used in Scubaboard editing) functionality in the context menu. Select the text you want to format, right-click and select the formatting - voila! It certainly beats typing [ B ] bold text [ / B ] every time (separated to avoid parsing).

You can
change font size
change font colo(u)r
or put some text in a quote box

You can also paste text from the clipboard as:
or a quote

This extension can be found at Firefox's Extension site.
You can get your own copy of Firefox here.

This is a fantastic feature - I highly recommend installing it.


Andrew ;)

Thanks for the extension site!

I use Firefox for most of my work, unless a site acts funny with it. Then I'll fire up IE for a one time shot.

I used to use Opera way back when, but it seemed that I'd have too many compatibility problems with too many web sites. I gave up on it.

The features and security on Firefox blow IE away, IMO.
detroit diver:
Thanks for the extension site!

I use Firefox for most of my work, unless a site acts funny with it. Then I'll fire up IE for a one time shot.

It's a pleasure.

Talking of funny sites, check out the response to Firefox at Microsoft's Office Template site. Funny, the page seemed to render fine to me... :eyebrow:


Using Firefox almost exclusivley now. Love the Tab feature. Some sites require I.E. though. There are still a few bugs in Firefox, but they are slowly disappearing with every version.

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