My wife has meniers syndrome she gets sea sick on road trips with curves she does Sudafed, bonine on some dives mint gum, ginger, dried ginger candy as a snack on the boat doesn’t eat much on the day of the dives don’t use milk products two or three days before hand eat light healthy simple basic foods two or three days before make sure your hydrated well before the dive she just woke up said sleep is the most important part. She also dresses in layers so she can keep warm but not hot.
Most important part when you get on the boat get in a position where the exhaust and smoke from smokers is down wind hold your breathe when the wind changes direction do mental calming excercises breathing slowly while looking out towards the front of the boat. We ride up top when possible.
My wifes quite the trooper she’s been around the world diving and puking with me, let me buy a boat for diving and we live 3000 miles from where I dive. Part of that is so we can control the boat part to here advantage. Often on a guide boat people who get sea sick can’t control anything captains got some old Diesel engine billowing smoke into the cabin smokers are blowing smoke in her area. Everyone is hurried up just easier to deal with on your own boat. Bonaire is a favorite because she can dive from shore most of her issues are not the sea but the boat.
Most of the time I think she’s mentally retarded I hate puking and would never do anything that might provoke that but she has mastered puking through her regulator and follows me when ever she can take the time off to do so.
Most important part when you get on the boat get in a position where the exhaust and smoke from smokers is down wind hold your breathe when the wind changes direction do mental calming excercises breathing slowly while looking out towards the front of the boat. We ride up top when possible.
My wifes quite the trooper she’s been around the world diving and puking with me, let me buy a boat for diving and we live 3000 miles from where I dive. Part of that is so we can control the boat part to here advantage. Often on a guide boat people who get sea sick can’t control anything captains got some old Diesel engine billowing smoke into the cabin smokers are blowing smoke in her area. Everyone is hurried up just easier to deal with on your own boat. Bonaire is a favorite because she can dive from shore most of her issues are not the sea but the boat.
Most of the time I think she’s mentally retarded I hate puking and would never do anything that might provoke that but she has mastered puking through her regulator and follows me when ever she can take the time off to do so.