What are the police doing to end the crime on Bonaire? - thread split

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He has NEVER been to Boanaire! He must have an interest in Roatan as he defends that Island! He is just a Troll who has to have the last word under the guise of Public Service! If he wants to know call the Bonaire police and leave the board alone! Stop attacking people who enjoy the place!

Aha! Now it is clear! Let's all go over to the Roatan board and start casting random accusations about the thievery of blood by the most annoying sand fleas. While we're at it let's add on the theory that they are part of a larger Honduran plot to take over the world by spreading disease.

Having never been to Roatan, I think I'm perfectly qualified to lead such a mission!

HM, Ain't is in the dictionary too! I also know "Dove" is there it has a picture of a bird next to it! ;)
There ia actually nothing in the State Dept crime warning that specifies Bonaire alone. You can't find anything even on the internet that gives you an accurate picture of the Bonaire crime problem, with the glaring exception of this board. You just have to wade through the pro Bonairian din to get to it. :D

That's because they don't have a crime "problem." They have crime, as does every other place on the earth. And if you take the standard precautions that you would take anywhere, then you will be fine. So there is no need to put out a special warning. What does the SD say about Roatan? Hmm?
The only things offered by you and your pals are: leave everything opened and unlocked, use common sense because if you don't it's your fault if you get robbed, take second hand gear and old clothes, that you don't mind losiing, with you and of course, going to the bathroom in doughnut boxes as a deterent. The flies might not agree with you, scubasteve:eyebrow:

What flies? Don't assume the pests you enjoy in your version of paradise exist everywhere.
Adaveke, cool tech, what the police SAY they are doing and what is ACTUALLY being done, are two different matters entirely. There has been no resulting crime reduction to prove ANYTHING is being done. That would be the proof.

Give us numbers on that. Right now. Substantiate that claim that the numbers are not being reduced by the actions of the police. I'm betting you can't.
This must be a time when people aren't diving. I read this whole tread and what I learned was that Pilot Fish has an issue with Bonnaire! 19 pages later we have learned that lots of people have interesting counter points, but PF still has an issue with both Bonnaire and has an issue with each and every person who posts on this thread!

Maybe it's time to back away from the keyboard and jump in something wet and give the keyboard a chance to cool off..... :-)

I'm betting PF will need a solo diver class to make that safe to do. Cuz anyone that has ever seen his posts ain't (put there for you papabear) gonna wanna dive with the dude.
I am now on Bonaire for the fourth time. The crime appears to have gotten worse over the years. This is the first time I have seen broken window glass at EVERY SINGLE SITE I have been to so far. You can not even wear sunglasses to the dive site anymore. I surfaced on Red Beryll yesterday to find mine stolen from the truck. At least they left my wife's prescription glasses or she would have been blind for the rest of the trip.

I have yet to see one police car on the road in 12 days.

I guess the state does not really care about maintaining law and order here on Bonaire. Maybe they can charge divers a special "crime prevention fee" for police protection, like the marine park fee of 25 dollars or the airport exit fee of 35 dollars? Perhaps someone will make a special sunglasses attachment for BCDs and market it here on lawless Bonaire.

In summary, I am very disappointed with the lack of visible authority on this island. They also appear to have a street racing problem on the island, as evidenced by all the skid marks and noise of racing cars in the wee hours of the morning keeping us awake some nights.

Next year I will pass on Bonaire and go to a secure resort in Cozumel.

This is post #1 from this poster. I'm betting his real initials are PF.

I just returned from Bonaire and saw absolutely zero broken glass at ANY dive site and heard from zero people about getting robbed.

Not saying there is no crime, but this poster is grossly overstating things and IMO lying outright.

If it was so rampant, surely you have pictures to share.
Give us numbers on that. Right now. Substantiate that claim that the numbers are not being reduced by the actions of the police. I'm betting you can't.

I don't believe he has the responsibility to provide anything. But if he did, then we could argue about what crime stats actually tell us.

But as much as I hate to say it. PF does have a point.

Crime on Bonaire seems to be a fact of life there. So divers do need to be aware of it and authorities should be doing something about it. It is their bread and butter.

Just because you are Bonaire fans...you might want to step back and look at it instead of circling the wagons and defending the undefendable.

Someone might mistake this forum for the Coz forum. LOL

(This is from someone who will make it to Bonaire in the next yr or so...and I am glad I have some warning to the crime issues there.)
HM, Ain't is in the dictionary too! I also know "Dove" is there it has a picture of a bird next to it! ;)

And in the list of derivatives of dive, you will find dove.

But if I look up "Isn't" I don't find "Ain't" because it is not a proper substitute for the word. It is a slang word in the southern dialect. Like "fixin ta" or "mayanaise" (mayanaise a lotta crime in Bonaire, which the police are doing nothing about, and which is destroying the island's draw for tourists, which I feel I must constantly comment about because I somehow still live under the delusion that this horrible place is somehow still competing with my own crime-ridden diving locale.)

Perhaps we should let PF out of the donut box?
Thats the problem of telling the same lie over and over. You believe it to be true.

http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/947214-post64.html (hint check the date)

And no, I don't have any stake in Bonaire whatsoever. To be honest, if he is successful in driving people away, then all the better for me. I will have less people to deal with. I don't need a fancy dive operation or 5 star hotel accomodations to be happy diving in one of the best diving locations in the world. A tent, a grocery store, someone to fill my tanks, and a cold beer at the end of the day. I'm happy.

Matter of fact, after thinking about that, PF, keep it up. You're making paradise all that much better for me. THANKS!

Has nothing to do with what is being talked about, but you are letting emotions get the best of you. (and making PF's day too)

I would hazard a guess that crime on Bonaire vs other Caribbean Islands would be close to the same.

The style of diving (and the scale) that takes place on Bonaire though allows an opportunity for thieves to ply their trade. (Unlike other locations)

Its reality.

Go there.

Understand it

Deal with it.

Pressure the locals to fight it better.
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