What are the chances that TS Rina will blow out out diving later this week or worse

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It's all about timing. I will be arriving in Coz on Nov 5, hoping for the best.
Forecasts are looking much better than 24 hours ago. Come on wind sheer keep tearing this eye apart.
Latest report does say it is weaker but still will be Cat 1.

Reports from a NOAA hurricane hunter aircraft indicate that maximum
sustained winds have decreased to near 85 mph...140 km/h...with
higher gusts. Rina is a category one hurricane on the
Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale. Additional weakening is
forecast during the next 48 hours. However...Rina is expected to
be at hurricane strength when the center passes near or over the
Yucatan Peninsula.
Latest report does say it is weaker but still will be Cat 1.

Dude, I am gonna hit you with the Happy Stick after DD. :chairfight: The correct way to say that is it WON'T be a Cat 2! :dance3:
Dude, I am gonna hit you with the Happy Stick after DD. :chairfight: The correct way to say that is it WON'T be a Cat 2! :dance3:

You stated there is "talk" it might not even be a hurricane by the time it arrives. What talk? Did you shake up your magic 8 ball to get that statement? The quote I provided was a factual update provided by a weather website that looks like the same statements issued by NOAA. How do you know I am not posting these updates for people I know on the island?

1145 AM CDT WED OCT 26 2011



Wishfull thinking, prayers answered, voodoo working??? :D

Funny to see the :dork2:'s are soooooo dissapointed...... Cat1 is nothing.... :rofl3:
As far as visibility, the sand I have tested settles very quickly. Pick up some underwater and drop it. See how fast it settles. Maybe there are other factors affecting visibility but the sand is probably not the biggest.

As far as no diving, it appears the port was closed Monday. So it appears that there was no diving Tuesday, today, probably Thursday and maybe not Friday. So about fours or five days. Is that correct Christi?

Today is Wednesday hun :) Port was open Monday, closed yesterday and of course today until further notice! If this comes through as weak and fast as predicted - I would bet we are back in the water by Saturday or Sunday! I also agree, the sand is always a factor with our everyday visibility due to the currents, and yes, it settles very fast. There is ALWAYS sand on the reefs, the sand you see is not from Wilma as some like to argue. Visibility may be down for a couple of days, but by the time we are back in the water, it should be close to normal again and will get better each day - but even a bad vis day here is 60ft

Wow, that is a full house! Based on the latest forecasts, I think the real brunt of the hurricane effects will be taking place in your house with the kids and pets. :wink:

Haha! I agree :) I think I need an adult beverage before they all arrive to calm my nerves - haha!

Rina doesn't have a well formed eye, it's still all closed in with clouds. They're saying 8-16 inches of rain from this evening through Fri. Strongest winds near the center are around 110mph, further out from the center the winds are 75-80mph sustained. The weather gurus are predicting Rina will not get any stronger then she is now (a strong 2), and they expect to see weakening as the system approaches land.

I'll be cheering on the norte that's in the process of fighting with Rina. If the norte can put up a good fight, Rina will definitely weaken.

I think you guys have had more rain in non-hurricane storms. 70-80mph winds will do rip up some foliage and do some superficial damage, but I think you all will be fine. The real issue, imo, will be the 5-7 ft surge predicted. That will make a mess of beaches and the waterfront areas. Hopefully the wind and waves don't get too fierce and the waterfront properties come through it all just fine.

This is EXCELLENT news! It downgraded because I sent my generator to the mechanic and had an electrician come install a special plug so that all we have to do is plug in the generator when the power goes out and it will run my whole house (fridge, fans and water pump and some lights - no AC) - haha!

Isn't Isla Mujeres just a sandbar? I hope everyone there is evacuating. I guess the Cancun shelters will fill tonight and tomorrow, and there will be those arriving today saying "What hurricane?" :confused:

I got to ask? Why didn't you leave? :coffee:

I actually got a call yesterday afternoon on my cell phone from a guy in Cancun wanting to come dive today. He had no idea there was a hurricane coming! Harry tried to leave, but there are no fights out until Saturday! I have 3 divers here that weren't able to get out, but I am conident that they are in safe places that will take good care of them! I invited Harry over, but when I told him about all of the kids and the animals - he said he would be fine where he was - haha! I don't blame him, especially now - it is going to be fine!

As much as I want the Norte that is dumping snow in Colorado now to stick around and keep dumping, here's hoping it picks up some momentum and pushes Rina east, back into the Caribbean. All good news from the experts about the it loosing some intensity and beginning to look like it's loosing definition. Still hoping for it to fizzle out.

To Christi and all my good friends, be safe and be well.

Thank you!

About post Hurricane diving..........In the news 1-2 weeks ago was a story about how the digging for the new marina hit a vein of freshwater. They were warned about this and were supposed to have enough silt protection in place to protect Paradise reef but they didn't. I wonder what this storm will do to that situation. If it destroys all the silt protection it might be a disaster for that reef. On the other hand now they are probably gonna attempt to blame most of the damage on a storm. As far as the rest of the reefs you can most likely forget about 150-200 foot visibility for some time but it will get better. Although if you would like to inform us first hand how the reefs look have at it.

ALSO........if I remember right wasn't there visible shipwrecks on the east side after Wilma? Would be exciting to be on the first east side dives the next few months.

We haven't had 150 - 200 ft vis in 10 years anyway - try 80 - 100/120 on a great day - and FYI - the vis only takes a few days to clear up thanks to our currents!

Those old boats were there before Wilma - they were not the result of Wilma.
Tried that link, DD, and it errors out. Cruz Roja Cozumel Como Ayudar Don't you see a button right in the middle of mine that says "Make a Donation"?

Postpone? There is plenty of time to see what happens. This aint Wilma..... They will need the money with low season and lost time now. And my scuba stuff runs without electricity as does the boat. And if I *have* to drink warm beer to be in Coz, I would. So, anyone cancelling, send me the tickets. If it is bad, you might get to do trash diving, helping to clean up! Look for the bright side....

THANK YOU! After I have said several times, WAIT to see what actually happens if you are flying in AFTER the storm - only makes logical sense. Don, why would you tell people to postpone? I had a few cancellations for people arriving today - I actually encouraged them to postpone - but those flying in AFTER the storm still have time ! I've already had a full boat of premature cancellations for next week - we don't need more thank you very much!

:bounce: :bounce2: :bounce3: :banana:
Happy dance that it's only a Cat 1 now! Not to dismiss it completely, but we can handle this :)
It would be really nice to get hit with a TS vs. a hurricane but that would require a lot of weakening and may be too much to wish for. People here are monitoring the weather reports and waiting for news about electrical turnoff, the dry law, curfew, etc. These are the primary topics of island conversation today. And We Are Ready. We will deal with whatever comes along and our community will remain strong and united. Ya hear that, Rina?

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