rescuediver009:I don't think that there is anything here I wouldn't consider except the Brut guy. Bruts are notorious for being very shallow water regs, and if you want this to grow to something that you would be using at 70ft. stay away.
You want something simple and low profile. The last thing that you want is to have it catching on you every time you try to take it off or put it on. If you are just starting and don't have the luxury of a used older reg, consider one of the already clean regs available:like OMS or the Oceanic. They are both open port pistons (simple design) and low profile with decent performance. I would say that DIN is strongly recommended.
I agree Brut's are shallow water regs. 70' is shallow water. They are incredibly reliable and extremely resistant to freezing. Brut's are definitely a simple diaphragm design and are quite small. The hoses route clean and tight against the deco bottle. My deepest stops are 80' and the Brut works fine at that depth. If you already have the reg, as was the case with me, there is no need to buy another reg for these shallow water purposes.