I recently watched a great stupid movie, Admit it, you know some movies are so bad they're good, called Idiocrasy.
The premise of the movie is that the US is actively breeding for stupidity. This can be confirmed by observation, while most yuppies are delaying having kids, and then don't have many if they do, Cletus and Lurleen in the trailer park are putting kids out on an assembly line, so the dumb are demonstrably outbreeding the smart.
Add to that all the idiot proofing that has happened in the last 30 years and we don't have nearly the number of accidents there used to be killing off the idiots.
The movie takes place about 500 years in the future and the average IQ is down around 50.
Sometimes I think it might be a tad on the optimistic side.
My guess is that number 500 is taken for the case so those people who serve 100,200,300+ years terms in prison cannot verify it and sue the movie company for misinforming them about the future