Wed. Twin Lakes invitation

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Originally posted by Dee
No, locking yourself our of the car doesn't count...
Darn...thought I could get away with that one. Well, I guess it was a self-inflicted embarrassment. :embarrass
Originally posted by Dee
Little did we know the Tony had such breaking and entering talents!
Tony's a jack of all trades...he's my HERO!!! :lifter:
Originally posted by Dee
Don't worry....we'll initiate you when you're least expecting it! :eek:ut:
Uh, nice to have known y'all...maybe I'll see y'all around... :wave:
Originally posted by lovetodive2
That's a cute profile of you gadgetgirl.

Thanks lovetodive2 (Tina). Hope to meet you at TL (have I already met you there?).

Yes, Gromit is my HERO :lovey:
(well, that's next to my new hero Tony) :wink:

During my openwater checkout on the Comal, I locked my keys in my car... along with my mask.

And unfortunately, noone was able to get in before the locksmith arrived.

So: at least you haven't kept an ow class waiting while the locksmith comes to open your car :wink:


Originally posted by gadgetgirl

Isn't the embarassment of locking myself out of my car (fortunately to be rescued by ScubaTexasTony, Beast, and ChrisPete -- 3:cheer:s) enough of an initiation ?!? Well, I'll never live that one down... :oops: :)
Originally posted by Fetch
During my openwater checkout on the Comal, I locked my keys in my car... along with my mask.
And unfortunately, noone was able to get in before the locksmith arrived.
So: at least you haven't kept an ow class waiting while the locksmith comes to open your car :wink:

Thanks for sharing Jeff...makes me feel a little better :boings:
I may not be able to make it Wednesday after all, one of my ears started bothering me Sunday, and it's now grown to a dull, constant pain. I'm going to the ENT tomorrow morning to see whether it is ear related or if it is related to TMJ - if it's ear, I probably won't be there, if it's TMJ, I'll stop by the dentist on the way out and let him shock me a couple of times to get everything back in the right place. :)
Originally posted by Scuba Barbie
So Emma, why Gadgetgirl? Are you a techie?

Yea, I guess I've been accused of that...:wink:
I'm an engineer (sometimes an enginerd)...and a gadget junkie. :robo:

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