Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink . . .

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got4boyz - 4 of them eh.....I have one 15 yr old in full hormonal bloom....life is now truly entertaining!! I cannot imagine 4 of them!! You must have incredible patience and stamina!!

I have always drank natural waters when hiking, camping, etc. For 49 years I have comsumed stream waters, and never been sick from it. Even drank the waters in Peru and Mexico...no WarHammer Manuevers from me!!

Well....one day during a training with SEADOGS (I am on the underwater search/recovery team and we were training with the dogs/handlers in searching sites underwater the dogs hit on in). I didn't know the error of my ways until about 3 months later!! It started out with a knot in my stomach that would come and go. I thought it was stress from work....well, those little critter finally grew to be enough to cause great grief!! It took quite some research to figure out where I got it from, but they identified the exact pond...and that was it.

Yes, giardia can be obtained from salt water....but it would have to be in a pretty stagnant area. With our 20 foot+ tides, we don't have much for stagnant salt water around here!! Generally it comes from areas where birds leave their calling cards. If there isn't fresh water flushing the area.....poof....giardia grows!!

Ages: My oldest is only 10 1/2 at this point but in six years all four will be teenagers!!! Ask me how my patience is then! LOL

That's amazing how giardia finally caught you. I do drink from all flowing streams, rivers, etc. (although I know you still can catch giardia) but I always boil water in lakes or ponds. I never would have thought I could get it from diving in a pond!

scubadoc: Another interesting article you've given me to read. (I'm supposed to be packing for my dive trip to Cozumel, and instead I'm here at the Scuba Board LOL). Pretty scary stuff out there.

Referring to a line from the article:

2. Pollution and filth are often associated. If the water contains obvious trash and garbage it is quite probably an unhealthful diving environment and another location should be selected. If the water looks nasty it probably is nasty!!

I did a recert. dive in a swimming pool at a college the other day. I couldn't believe how filthy it was in the bottom of the pool. There were all kinds of things floating around in there! Scary!!!
Hi got4boyz,

I'm sure Mario will answer your question but let me give you my 2 cents.

When you have low water quantity in your body your blood becomes thicker. Nitrogen stays in solid tissues in larger quantities than in liquid ones. When your blood is thicker it keeps more nitrogen thus making you more prone to DCS.

Be sure to take care!
Got4boyz - Call in in 6 years...I will hand deliver Crown Royal on the rocks for you....you will need it!! I wish I knew how you all get the icons in your posts!! I would put on "Oh My Gosh" one in this for you!! Good luck!! I cannot even imagine having four teenage terrorists!! ages
Too funny Ages! Your son must be giving you fits about this time. I had twins when my oldest wasn't quite four and the second one was 2. I thought I was going to die!!!

But they got easier as they got older and I assumed the older they got the easier it would get. Now all my friends with teenagers say that is not the case. Now I'm very sad! ;-0

So in 6 years I will have to give you a call. I don't drink, but I'm sure you can bring something else to help me out! :) (Actually, instead of you coming to see me, I might need to come see you, just to get away from them for awhile! LOL I always wanted to see Alaska anyway!)

As for the little faces: when you make a post, at the very top under Forum Rules is a link called "Smilies" that will tell you how to make different faces.

I had to ask too! ;)
Got4boyz - I don't think teens are that bad....it is just a shock! The first shock was having my honor roll student who wouldn't lie to me enter high school. ;-( Immediately, his grades went to C's and D's and he learned to lie to me. It only took a year and a half to realize if his mouth is moving, he's lying!! Did you get your homework done? Yes Mom, it's all done!! Lie Lie Lie!! He has also discovered that girls are not something to tolerate....they are adored!! And they are the sole focus of his life!! School has no importance....and the future....well, his only future is impressing the babes (on his 15th birthday he informed me he was now a young stallion....I believe I murmered something about turning him into a gelding)!! I think it was about the age of 13 that one day, his brain simply disconnected....I have been desparately trying to find the links and reconnect it, but so far...no luck!! I didn't drink either....and then my son hit 13!! ages

PS thanks for the tip...I tried to stick on in here...we'll see what happens!!
Congrats, it worked! :)

:whoa: A changed being! That's what my friends say; they don't recognize their teenagers anymore. Heaven help me! Good luck with yours, and just focus on all the positive things about him.

There are some aren't there? LOL
Got4boyz - they will have to start a special catagory for us if we keep going!! :D There are good points...and moments of great hope!! Last Thanksgiving a group of us chartered a couple of planes to take 25 of us and our dive gear out to this remote site called Baranof Warm Springs. I took my son as he loves diving for treasure (and there is an old sunken collapsed cannery there where many old coins have been found). With 25 folks out there for a week, you can imagine the logistics of cooking, cleaning, keeping tanks full (on a portable compressor) and all that it takes to keep 25 divers going. I thought I had brought someone elses son. He wasn't smart assed, he was very polite and helped with all the tasks. I received many many compliments on his behavior. Then we came home, and he returned to his hormonal self!! They need a deep sigh smilie for here!! I just keep in mind that he will soon return to a normal human being!! Always smiling...ages
Originally posted by ages
Got4boyz - they will have to start a special catagory for us if we keep going!!

I was thinking the same thing! LOL But I figure if anyone comes here and realizes we are just talking about our boys, they can choose to read it or not! :)

There are good points...and moments of great hope!!
It's great when kids can be well-behaved with others. My second child is probably my most difficult, but at school and church everyone tells me he's an angel. I wonder if they're talking about the same kid! :confused:

Well this dialog will have to end soon. I'm heading for Cozumel Thursday morning. Haven't dived in 2 years so I'm very excited! :bounce:

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