I had an issue with my Vyper Air and transmitter this weekend, too. When I first turned my tank on, it read a little over 1000 psi. I thought the dive shop had screwed up and given me an empty tank, but then it slowly crept up to about 3200 over the next few minutes. It responded well, dropping the psi when I purged both second stages and when I inflated the BC, so I decided it was fine, and either the first stage or the transmitter itself might have had a slightly stuck diaphragm or something. Anybody ever seen that happen before? I'm heading out for a trip again this weekend, and I think I might put the reg on the tank (I rent reg and tank) with my transmitter before I leave the shop, see if it happens again, and ask the shop owner to take a look at it if it does. It had been over a month since the last time I used it before two days ago.
We did two dives, both no deeper than 25 feet, and everything was great until the very end of the second dive when the computer momentarily flashed between 816 psi and FAIL. It only did it for a minute or less, and then started reading just fine again, but we went ahead and ended the dive (we were planning to stop at 700 psi). We were hanging around right at the thermocline, so it's possible that the constant temperature change may have confused the computer because of the constant change in pressure, but I'm not sure. On the surface, it was perfectly normal, except that when I turned the tank off and purged from the second stage, it didn't drop the pressure reading until I detached the reg from the tank. I would have thought as soon as I turned the tank off and purged it would have dropped.