Vortoberfest VI - 2010

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Best wishes Shane. You already know I think it sucks and I thank you for all the work you did there. If there isn't too bad of feelings there I hope you will come out and see us during the events. You are one of us.
As some of you might have heard, I am no longer at Vortex.
Well now that just sucks big time.
That hurts my heart . . .

The Kraken . . . the K . . . Dennis
As some of you might have heard, I am no longer at Vortex. I have been laid off due to a disagreement between me and the owners. We have been at odds for a while and it finally came to a head when they decided not to pay me for my vacation to the Florida Keys last week. All of you know how hard I worked for that place just to be treated like this. I love all of you and that you for your support and confidence for the last 3 years. I would like to stay in the diving industry so if anyone knows of a management position at a dive shop in the area, please let me know.
Thanks again,

Sorry to hear this news, I dont think they relize what you brought to the place. All the years i lived in area I went to Vortex 3-4 times and it was a crap hole (speaking nicely)
For the most part I had no desire to ever go there again until someone invited me to dive there and gulf was blown out, and the promised me place had changed because of a new GM taking over, I had been impressed at the changes. I remember sitting on a table talking with you about 6-8 months after you got there thinking you where a pretty sharp guy, and what the hell you had been working at a place like that. After returning several times over a few month period I was amazed at the changes as well as the quality of people there, wich which spurred me and my best DiveBuddy to buy year dive passes not just once but we are in our second year of annual passes. I dont believe they thought it through very well in your being let go. If I hear of anything opening up for industry mngmnt I will make sure i get the info to you.
I have tickets for the Bellamy Brothers on Friday evening - Will be a great way to start the weekend. Also bringing the yaks for Cypressssssssss......
Rats - just realized that we have training associated with that weekend. Have to work again.....
Well, I was all excited about my first trip to Vortoberfest! But my husbands boss had another idea when she decided to climb a ladder to cut some tree limbs and fall off and broke her leg in two places. This in turn means that James isn't gonna be able to get the time off therefore, I don't have my dive buddy nor can I take the truck as that would leave him without transportation! Go figure, for the first time, financially we could do it and then this happens. :depressed:


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