Vortoberfest V - 2009

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WooooHoooo!!! Only two more weeks. I am being bad now so that I can get it out of my system so that I can be good then. :wink:
Oh, WOW!!! aowdan . . . .

It's just a basic German Oktoberfest party at Vortex Spring with some diving thrown in.

We all bring something to throw on the community grilll to cook, eat and share.

Basically, bring what YOU want to eat and maybe another serving or two to share with the group.

It's VERY informal.

Uncle Rick (Rick Murchison) and Uncle Tom (Tom Smedley) have a tendency to commandeer the grill, but that's OK.

Bring some sort of German or european beer to share, also.

Oh, and don't forget your scuba gear, tent and sleeping bag.

Hope to see ya there!!!

the K
While you're there, stop by and say howdy to us "non-fine" people too!

I'm not in that group am I???:depressed:
Temp was 84F at 80fsw this past weekend (9-19-09), so you may want to at least consider something less than a drysuit.

Oh - you saved me! Thank you! 3 mil it is. Can I rent a 5 mil at the springs?
Oh - you saved me! Thank you! 3 mil it is. Can I rent a 5 mil at the springs?

They have them there. And just about everything else one might forget.
I want my "No Bad Ju-Ju" blankie. . . !!!!! :depressed:
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