Victoria Vis conditions?

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For Ten mile PT I always use the Murray's tables for Juan de Fuca Strait. I found that they are the best tables to use and that they are usually right on.

If you think 10-Mile is bad, try predicting slack at Enterprise Channel.... I've been trying for years. I think 10-Mile is actually fairly reliable. Race Passage -15 minutes as mentioned is the correction for Baynes Channel. Make sure that the current atlas is corrected for daylight savings time if you use this correction. Some tables are and some aren't. I usually go in 1/2 hour before the published slack. I'd rather be a bit early than late. On many days, you'll still feel abit of current even during slack. Also as mentioned, on a flooding current (not necessarily a flooding tide), you have more leeway, since the wall is somewhat sheltered from current flow. Or you could just wait until I get back. By the way, I changed the link to my website on my signature. Someone hacked in and buggered the original index page and I can't change it until I get on dry land to somwhere with proper internet access.
Willis PT yesterday, viz was in the range of 50ft.
The viz at Willis PT this evening was an amazing 2ft with an HID light, without 0. Stay away from the inlet for a while.


The viz at Willis PT this evening was an amazing 2ft with an HID light, without 0. Stay away from the inlet for a while.


Has the recent sunshine brought out the plankton?
The viz at Willis PT this evening was an amazing 2ft with an HID light, without 0. Stay away from the inlet for a while.



Outside of the island isn't s**t hot either. Did a dive at Ogden Point this morning and vis was about 7-10'. I heard it got a bit better near then end of the wall but I wasn't going to make the hike to find out.

Might be a good time to do some mods/maintenance. Hopefully conditions will improve soon.
newman diver and myself did a nice 102 minutes dive at Willis PT this morning.
Viz was in the range of 50ft. Water temperature close to the surface was warm enough to keep us from freezing during our long deco stops.



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