Victoria Vis conditions?

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Only about 20 feet in Brentwood Bay (Saanich Inlet) today. It was like a soup of stringy white plankton and clouds of moon jellies.

Hey Mark

How deep did you go? The viz on Sunday in the inlet was OK about 30ft under 50ft it was very good. By the way I'm free on Saturday morning if you want to go somewhere.

Hey Mark

How deep did you go? The viz on Sunday in the inlet was OK about 30ft under 50ft it was very good. By the way I'm free on Saturday morning if you want to go somewhere.


I went down to 90 feet, but the visibility was the same from the surface to the bottom. 20 foot visibility on the surface is great, but below 60 feet deep it gets dark fast. I can't dive this weekend (Vancouver family stuff), but I'm going out most weekdays.
can't dive this weekend (Vancouver family stuff), but I'm going out most weekdays.

I can see that, with all the new dive report and pictures you added to your website. Enjoy your PDL, I'm sure that we will have time to get together for some dives.


Well it's been raining here all week so as expected, the vis has been reduced. Dove Willis Point today, vis was 15-20'. It cleared up below 60'. The surface layer was a rust colour, possibly from decomp. of all the leaves.
Mackenzie Bight this morning was around 60ft under 30ft.
The Juan de Fuca side of Victoria was a mess this morning so I went to Henderson Point. Vis was only about 6-10 feet in the top 20 feet due to all the rain, but deeper, vis was around 40 feet. It was dark and gloomy though. Even only 75 feet deep I needed a light to see stuff.

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