Venice Dive - June 26th - KBulla's Bday party

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I will bring pasta salad and a couple of tables.

I will probably bring other stuff too!

BTW - who is keeping track?
LAst I checked I had 10 people coming from lakeland. One of them I am madly in love with!
Rough guesstimate, if all the people show who say they are coming down we'll have 20-25 divers. about 10-15 bubble watchers :)
I am bringing a pack or two of hotdogs with some buns, and plates.
I have been taking sudafed since monday, but have switched to advil cold and sinus to see if that helps as the sudafed was not making this thing go away! It is like someone is smacking the front of my face next to my nose with a sledgehammer every couple of minutes - not fun.
I just want to wish Kris and happy birthday and to send my best to everbody. MY FAMILY IS HERE!!! We got in late last night, exhausted from five days of pure fun, packing a house that we've lived in for 13 years, dealing with animals, saying goodbye to good friends and famikly, working out details of jobs, etc. and are now on the ground in Hollywood.

Our moving truck arrives at the house on Saturday morning. I suggested that I wasn't really that necessary to the unpacking process but got one of those, "What the HELL are you thinking?!!?" looks from all three other members of the family (Actually, the two dogs cast their evil eyes at me too!), so I guess we'll have to make introductions in a week or two, after things settle down from the move.

I can't wait for Crystal (my wife - yes, you can pity her!), Thomas (my 14 y/o son) and Sarah (my 11 y/o daughter) to meet everybody. They've heard as much about you guys as you have about them. (See, I'm an equal opportunity bore!)

I'd forgotten how exhausting this stuff is. I guess I'm just getting old...

Anyway, best wishes for a great b-day Kris, and good diving to everybody else,
I just want to wish Kris and happy birthday and to send my best to everbody. MY FAMILY IS HERE!!! We got in late last night, exhausted from five days of pure fun, packing a house that we've lived in for 13 years, dealing with animals, saying goodbye to good friends and famikly, working out details of jobs, etc. and are now on the ground in Hollywood.

Our moving truck arrives at the house on Saturday morning. I suggested that I wasn't really that necessary to the unpacking process but got one of those, "What the HELL are you thinking?!!?" looks from all three other members of the family (Actually, the two dogs cast their evil eyes at me too!), so I guess we'll have to make introductions in a week or two, after things settle down from the move.

I can't wait for Crystal (my wife - yes, you can pity her!), Thomas (my 14 y/o son) and Sarah (my 11 y/o daughter) to meet everybody. They've heard as much about you guys as you have about them. (See, I'm an equal opportunity bore!)

I'd forgotten how exhausting this stuff is. I guess I'm just getting old...

Anyway, best wishes for a great b-day Kris, and good diving to everybody else,

Thank you soooo much, and I'm sorry you can't make it. But I totally understand!! Good luck with unpacking and organizing, and I hope to see you soon. May the blessings of the Lady of Sausage be with you!! :wink:

I of course will have the grill.....Tarin is not coming up first thing in the morning and will bring other stuff later with her like Chips, Plates, napkins and such. Is someone bringing any Dessert???? Got to think of the important stuff you know :wink:

Maybe we can get a list going on not only SB'ers but what they are bringing.

I'll volunteer for potato salad, cole slaw, beans AND PLASTIC FORKS
I'm bringing dogs, buns and some of those frozen meat discs some call hamburgers.


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