Hi my wife and I live in Venice and the best place we have found
to get them is right at the end of Venice ave,there is a pavillion
with a parking lot,with cross overs to the beach,any were from
a few yard's out to 500 yards out is good .
We have found some real nice teeth,just walking the beach.
The water temp today 12/26/02 is about 61 degrees.
We have had some high winds and rough surf the past few days
so vis may be limited for the next little while.
If the vis is good look for a crab trap marker about 300-400 feet
off the beach directly in frt of the pavillion there is a old river bed
that ran through there and I have had some good luck there,also
a lot of stone crab running around great eating.
If you would like more info email me at
geoffdg@excite.com and
I will help you with any questions you may have.