So you don't think the rest of his rather extensive list are failures? What do ya do continue the dive because it's not on the GUE list?
its all covered in that list:
#1: right side, shutdown stops the gas flow, fixable
#2: right side, shutdown stops the gas flow, unfixable
#3: right side, shutdown doesn't stop the gas flow, isolatable
#4: left side, shutdown stops the gas flow, fixable
#5: left side, shutdown stops the gas flow, unfixable
#6: left side, shutdown doesn't stop the gas flow, isolatable
#7: right side, thought it was left
#8: left side, thought it was right
#9: blown isolator
#1+4 could be a fixable free-flow, or a poorly seated reg, etc
#2+5 could be IP creep, blown DIN o-ring, blown LP hose, etc
#3+6 are tank neck o-rings, manifold o-rings and burst disks
#7+8 are all the above, but you guessed wrong about the side its on
#9 is catastrophic failure of the isolator valve itself
The 9 failures according to GUE are categorized according to your response to them, not according to the actual root cause.