lamont:IMO, i think that argues for not diving 1/3rds, particularly with 2 diver teams, rather than fiddling to try to optimize your gas shutdown routine.
I said it was a compromise didn't I?

I would prefer 3 man teams, I will not dive solo (obvious safety advantages aside it's boring as all get out...).
Nothing we do underwater will make it 100% safe and perfect but we can try to do all we can to evaluate risk and attach sound risk/benifit analayses.
Even in a team of 3(or more) if I experince a massive gass loss I still want as much gas as possible of my own left to me to escape an enviornment that will kill me if much more goes wrong. If a team member has a massive gas loss I'm more than happy to share but want him/her to use what gas they have available before we get into the additional stress of an exit on the long hose.