Info Value of Masks and other factors to lower Covid-19 Risk while Traveling

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Why should the majority be made to do anything in the off chance that they may be in close proximity to someone who is immuno-compromised? Safety protocols should be adhered to if you are one of them. Wear a mask, face shield and stay far from those who may do you harm with their germs, just the same as what occurred prior to covid. Cancer, HIV, transplants etc all take greater care of their surroundings because of the increased risk of serious illness from even the simplest cold. If I were visiting someone in those situations (I have a lot over my life) and they requested additional protective measures then we would for their protection. Telling the world to wear a mask because they might be carrying a virus that is inconsequential to 99.99999% of us is akin to saying you should wear a condom with your long term monogamous significant other to avoid giving eachother an std. I'm all for person choices when I comes to YOUR health, just don't try to impose jaded ideas on my health decisions. Wear a mask between bites and sips, my family will be sitting at the table next to you laughing and enjoying our meals and the smiles that go with it. Stay healthy friend.
This morning's 'The Morning' from the New York Times (here's a link to read it) has a lead article, The Part-time Mandate, that delves into the issue of masking, whether implementation has been flawed, where what's theoretically for the best runs afoul of human nature, and the nuanced reality of how mask mandates ought to be handled. I'm a conservative, but I continue to be impressed with David Leonhardt's journalism (plus there's value in listening to 'the other side').

Why should the majority be made to do anything in the off chance that they may be in close proximity to someone who is immuno-compromised? Safety protocols should be adhered to if you are one of them. Wear a mask, face shield and stay far from those who may do you harm with their germs, just the same as what occurred prior to covid. Cancer, HIV, transplants etc all take greater care of their surroundings because of the increased risk of serious illness from even the simplest cold. If I were visiting someone in those situations (I have a lot over my life) and they requested additional protective measures then we would for their protection. Telling the world to wear a mask because they might be carrying a virus that is inconsequential to 99.99999% of us is akin to saying you should wear a condom with your long term monogamous significant other to avoid giving eachother an std. I'm all for person choices when I comes to YOUR health, just don't try to impose jaded ideas on my health decisions. Wear a mask between bites and sips, my family will be sitting at the table next to you laughing and enjoying our meals and the smiles that go with it. Stay healthy friend.
How is this related to the OP?
One positive from the pandemic may be a greater emphasis in indoor air quality going forward.
The only trouble whether it will be implemented eg. HK. It will be swept under the carpet when things calm down.
As for wearing of the mask? It is entirely personal decision. No difference from spitting in the public.
I used to keep 5 in my day pack as precaution since 2002. But from now on I will wear one when travelling and pack a lot more in the checked bag.
I suspect the surgical mask reduced the distance the smoke traveled out from his mouth, which might aid social distancing effectiveness. Surgical masks are cheap to buy in boxes with many.
True. But many people here wear the mask with the nose entirely out of it... No wonder that the overall efficacy of "wearing masks" is so low!
One positive from the pandemic may be a greater emphasis in indoor air quality going forward.
That is my great hope. I am fighting for installing better mechanical ventilation systems in offices, schools and private houses since 12 years. Till now without great success, but perhaps now this factor starts to getting its proper weight!
A well ventilated room is more healthy for everyone, and does not impact on our social behaviour, nor requires mandatory actions. It provides better comfort and some energy savings, which cover its cost in less than 2 years...
Why the hell people are still struggling about masks, instead of installing these controlled mechanical ventilation units and stop fighting?
True. But many people here wear the mask with the nose entirely out of it... No wonder that the overall efficacy of "wearing masks" is so low!

That is my great hope. I am fighting for installing better mechanical ventilation systems in offices, schools and private houses since 12 years. Till now without great success, but perhaps now this factor starts to getting its proper weight!
A well ventilated room is more healthy for everyone, and does not impact on our social behaviour, nor requires mandatory actions. It provides better comfort and some energy savings, which cover its cost in less than 2 years...
Why the hell people are still struggling about masks, instead of installing these controlled mechanical ventilation units and stop fighting?
How does increased ventilation save $$? The added up front cost plus potential increased operating costs seems like a deterrent to me. I'm generally curious and would appreciate hearing more on it.
Great original post. Funny story the wife and I took a taxi
The driver told us multiple times you dont have to wear a mask and he wont
I said dont worry we are good and dont care whether you do or dont
He seems insulted some how lol
You may be confusing "modeling" with "forecasting." It is the latter that has had errors.
The quoted publication is basically curve-fitting to existing data, extrapolating to fill gaps, but not forecasting in time.

No I am not, forecasting is made with mathematical models, this is step one created transmission rate risk which they then use with more modeling of behavior to create forecasts. So far the forecasts created off of the models haven't lived up to reality. Is it because of the infection rate data is incorrect or is it because of the behavior data? We don't know, so personally I trust most of the COVID models about as far as I can throw them, until I see forecasts that match up with reality.

And I am sure that if this were any other subject, like say if I come up with a new decompression model you would be saying the same thing.

Now I have other questions that are probably answered by digging through the studies that they used to build the model, like what type of masks, how they define well ventilated, etc. Which also changes about how well it can get applied to the context you bring it up in travel.

Personally I don't have any answers, but I think that unless there is an extreme risk we should default toward letting people make their own risk assessments, and government should stick to their normal rule making methods. The time for knee jerk emergency rules is over.
How does increased ventilation save $$? The added up front cost plus potential increased operating costs seems like a deterrent to me. I'm generally curious and would appreciate hearing more on it.
Look it the other way: saving on medical care and may be a life or two.
The recent huge surge in infection in HK caused a enormous strain to our health system. I have never seen hospitals in HK have to put patients on open air in the beginning of the outbreak.
Anything to reduce the risk of infection is worthwhile.

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