goofystan:I was there in Feb of this year and have been several times. I am going back in August for seven days. You are quite defensive. <rant deleted>
And so are you. Look, this whole thing stemmed from your one ill-conceived remark:
"IMO go with a resort that is "all inclusive" unless you want to eat the local food YUK!"
which, irrespective of what you "really meant" was a blanket condemnation of the food on Cozumel. It was innaccurate at the very least. The rest of your opinions, well, they are your opinions and you are welcome to them. I have been to Hawaii, too, and I had a guy try to sell me a bag of weed there, for all the difference that makes (some of the "best" weed in the world is grown there; haven't you heard?); so what?
Anyway, live and let live; we obviously don't agree, but that's OK with me.