Va. Tech shooting

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Yes you can. First of all becasue it's forbidden here (check ToS) - so just don't discuss about these topics. Second of all the story is more comlex than just gun control - it's about the education system, security of schools, social system, etc.
OK. Taking on two of those permitted topics; why do schools and workplaces in the US continue to suffer from mass gun killings yet it's virtually unheard of anywhere else??

Is it because schools/unis/workplaces elsewhere in the world have better security than in the US, and if so, what could University City and State police forces in the USA learn about this from their colleagues overseas?

I'm all ears.
Terrible tragedy. At least the now-Israeli-prof died a hero.

I don´t think anything will really change after this, it will happen again and again...

TBH I don´t think there´s not a whole lot you can do to protect yourself or yours against "madmen", I believe there are conditions in the US that allow things to escalate but in the end the "only" difference is the bodycount and the method...
We had not on that scale but somehow a similar tragedy in Poland. A guy used knife....
So I would rather listen to the ideas how to protect schools (metal detectors can be a solution) than talk about guns when if somebody want to have a gun would get it - whether it's llegal or not. It's illegal in Poland and somehow all gangsters have them.


A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

Good morning.. post away! Gun control comments, racial remarks and political references will be deleted. There is plenty more to this incident than what to do with the weapons.
1) The 800# gorilla trumps 200# on ScubaBoard.
2) This is not censorship, it is respecting the use of a private board.
3) The weapon is not the issue, it is the motive and person behind it. Another method could have been used and the deaths and motives would still be discussed.
4) To "cure" an illness, treat the cause, not the symptoms. The politics of the weapon choice is a speculative symptom, not the root cause. Continued discussion of the weapon choice and controlling it is debating ones personal ethics and political views and is not welcome for discussion on ScubaBoard.
This is indeed a tragedy.

The staff of wish to extend their thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families and of course to the entire staff and student body of Virginia Tech. Words cannot express the outrage or the loss we feel at this time.

To those whose posts were deleted, this is not a part of the OP, nor is it within the scope of this forum to discuss such political ideologies. If you wish to continue this discussion please find an appropriate venue for it. If you wish to lodge a protest or discuss this decision, please do so in site support or through PMs to any moderator. Crying foul when the rules are being enforced is so second grade. References to any nationality are more than objectionable and simply not allowed here, whether it be to Americans, Chineese, Korean or (insert YOUR nationality here). The method for dealing with any such post is not retaliation, but by using the "report bad post" in the bottom left of each and every post.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Why is it there's talk about a backlash against Asians and Koreans in particular because this murderer happened to be Korean? When it is Caucasian students who do the killing, do people rail against them?

I haven't seen any talk of any backlash, except the S Korean ambassador expressed his condolences and hoped there would not be any backlash. Perhaps a few individuals on discussion boards or blogs have said something - in a country of 300 million you will surely find such examples - but from the average person I haven't seen any concern at all over the perp's race or ethnicity. If anything, I'm impressed by the absence of any backlash.
I think this event speaks ill of the health care and mental care of the US. Mental health care is expensive, and even with insurance, it is restricted. What can the school do? Their counselors are really meant for short term support, and certainly not psychiatric care, as this man likely needs.

Second, as much as we like freedom of expression, freedom of speach, etc. I am disgusted with the quality of children programming and movies from Hollywood.

What sickens me is Walt Disney is no longer a brand you can trust, ie. Lets analyze their last movie, the Guardian. A perfect movie for children minus two topics:

1. The lead character went to bed with the girl after their first date, and the sexual relationship continued. Both are heros in the eye of disney.

2. Uncontrolled anger. The lead character got in a fight to protect his pride, and the pride of the coast guard. He deserved a court martial. Instead, his superior took him back to the same bar, and unnecessarily beat a man's head against a table until he is unconscious. The two heros of the movie were portrayed to use horrific violence and gets away with it.
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