I appreciate all the discussion. While I would not perform this dive as I have planned (Bring Deco gas - 99, use EANx 28, etc), I was trying to illustrate the conservatism I was seeing with V Planner and seeing if I wasn't the only one and if there was an explanation. Even with Deco gas at 20', you cut that stop in half...you still have quite a bit of deco.
Exactly, with 100%O2 you cut deco time in half or more.
I have noticed that when diving to 110 fsw with EAN32 and going into deco, my DiveRite NiTek HE gives a certain amount of required deco time with EAN32, a very good gas, and then when I switch onto my O2 bottle and switch gasses on the Nitek, the deco obligation now goes to 1/2 of whatever is left at 20 fsw.
My personal view is that the VPlanner is probably quite correct about the extended deco times required when diving and deco-ing on air. But as was pointed out before by RJACK, there is no reason to test it, since I would never dive with air deeper than 50 fsw anyway, or else only in places like parts of Mexico where I cannot get nitrox anyway. And in the latter case, I certainly would not rely on the USN deco tables, but rather on the Nitek with air data, and VPlanner as a backup for the slate.
Therefore USN air tables give me pause, anytime I look at their charts, which I seldom do anymore, relying instead on NAUI or SSI reductions of USN to determine NDL, and with VPlanner to determine deco. With modern software and dive computers, USN tables have become pretty much unnecessary.
When planning a deco dive, I always use VPlanner and write up a slate with various depths and times. Then I execute the dive with the Nitek HE, and it normally comes quite close to what VPlanner has given me. I tack the extra time onto the end of the 20 fsw stop on O2, if any. Plus that way, if the Nitek fails or malfunctions, I still have the slate and the bottom timer as a backup to measure deco with.
But it all boils down to field testing in gradual steps for yourself, ramping up before anything deep and long.
I am still waiting for some old salt to chime in and say USN tables were good enough for his grandaddy and they are good enough for his grandkids and himself as well. But not yet apparently???