The most recent story about the USS Kittiwake sinking is found in today's cayman compass; :: Kittiwake will be sunk 5 Dec.
For those who can't access the web page, here's the story:
Kittiwake will be sunk 5 Dec.
16 November
The retired submarine rescue vessel USS Kittiwake will be sunk on Sunday, 5 December off Seven Mile Beach in the vicinity of the West Bay dock.
The seven-year project, led by the Cayman Islands Tourism Association, is set to give a real filip to the diving and tourism industry when it becomes an artificial reef available to divers and snorkelers alike.
The ships final journey starts on Thursday, 18 November as it travels from the shipyard in Norfolk, Virginia. The Kittiwake is scheduled to arrive at Cayman on Monday, 29 November.
There has been worldwide interest in the event, with journalists joined by TV crews including the popular show Mega Movers, which is tracking the journey of the vessel. There will be ex-crewmen, people who have worked on the project and people from all around the globe in attendance.
The Kittiwake was built in 1945 and following its commission in 1946, it made numerous voyages between the United States east coast, the Caribbean and the Mediterranean in support of submarines and to conduct rescue missions for the US Navy. It was retired from service in 1994.
In 2008 the Ministry of Tourism signed an agreement with the Cayman Islands Tourism Association for the acquisition of the ship.
Weekend schedule
Following a press conference on Saturday, 4 December at 10am, an onboard ceremony and dedication takes place by invitation only from midday to 1pm. There will be unveiling of the plaques of the founding sponsors and special dedications
The topside viewing is open to the public from 1.30-4.30pm on 4 December.
The main event - the sinking - is scheduled for Sunday, 5 December at West Bay between 10am and 2pm; after this the Kittiwake will be closed to the public.
From 6-8pm there will be a cocktail reception, a silent auction and presentations. There, attendees can bid on artefacts and art from the Kittiwake, meet ex-crew members and learn about the history of the project.
The Kittiwake is closed to the public on Monday, 6 November for inspections, anchor setting, safety checks and so on. There will be guided tours for dive staff only.
Private tours start at 8am for VIP and media on Tuesday, 7 December. Its a red letter day as it is the first time that this new attraction will be open to the public, from 11am. All timings and schedules are subject to safety clearance
and weather.
Beginning Wednesday, 24 November, medallions for staff and divers and wristbands for snorkelers will be available for purchase from the Cayman Islands Tourism Association.