I use weightbelts.
I have four of them all different weights for different tank/plate combos ready to go. One of them is a rubber freediving type with a wire buckle, my favorite, that’s for the 120. The other ones are standard 2” webbing type, one has a spring loaded buckle that self adjusts to squeeze, the others are just regular. I adore my weightbelts, I don’t like attaching weights to the tank bands or any non ditchable weight. The thought if that gives my heartburn. For a brief time several years ago I had a big huge Seaquest Black Diamond BC that was my first BC. It was weight integrated and had trim pockets in the back plus double row side weight pockets. It was a beast of a contraption and I hated it. I dumped it for a BP/W and that’s when I went (back) to a weightbelt.
Weightbelts are handy for kayak diving. My proceedure after the kayak is after anchoring over the dive spot is I put fins on, then get into the water and roll the weightbelt on, then pull the scuba rig off the back and put it on in the water. Go diving. Then coming back everything is done in reverse order. If I had all my weight on my rig it would be impossible to get it back up on the kayak so this is a good reason for a weightbelt. The other reason is because I’m doing a lot if no BC diving for urchins so having a weightbelt is good if you need to dump your weights to get positive since there is no BC to rely on. I like the idea of having my weights separate from my rig. And plus weightbelts look cool and retro.
….Sorry if I gave anybody heartburn my mentioning no BC diving.