The Dacor XLP is a really good balanced reg. The rebuild parts, hp seats second stage diaphragms are still available from Trident but I doubt most shops will service them for you. If you don't know about rebuilding regs or arent interested in learning about it you would be better off selling them to someone who is and use the money to buy something newer and easier to get serviced. The Seaquest Solutions is an older, 10-15yrs? but decent comp for recreational diving. They didn't have any issues or recalls that I know of like a lot of other comps that have been made over the years. They do use an older algorithm but they are not digital bend-o-matics. Search for Seaquest Solutions here and you should find a link to a pdf of the instructions. The battery is about $7 for it and isn't too difficult to change and the oring is a common size if it needs to be replaced. There are instructions online on how to change the battery. I don't like the button configuration on them, my fingers are too big, but for what you paid you can't complain. Im not familiar with the other comp. All in all you got a good deal for $100.