I too am following the situation as I have a trip planned for the week following Christmas. I on the other hand have not been there. I am following this on this board because I want real information. Not the material that comes from some writer in NY or CA that isn't there and has no idea what is actually happening there. I am looking for information from both sides as I know the media in the US spins their story and the resorts will spin theirs. I am trying to get information from people that have "boots on the ground" and can tell me what it is like. For me information from the US media and resort owners in Honduras is not totally discredited just looked at with a shade of suspicion. Real people with real experiences there is what I am looking for.
My guess would be that if your trip is solely to Roatan, you should be ok unless there is some kind of civil unrest at the time of your trip.
My trip, on the other hand, includes a stop on the mainland, and thus I feel I need to pay closer attention to the situation as a whole before I purchase plane tickets and such.
While I do agree that a reporter in NY or DC may not have direct eye witness knowledge of what is going on, news outlets do rely on reporters that are on the ground in Honduras from various news agencies such as AP, Reuters, and such.
And while I do also agree the everyone has an agenda and thus everyone spins everything in their direction, the media (old and new), while imperfect, is the only thing we got to have an idea of what's going on in the world.
So, taking things with a grain of salt and diversifying sources is a good thing, but throwing away the baby with the bath water is really not the solution in my opinion.