We had some trouble navigating, I'm not sure that all the buoys are there. I should have called Keith beforehand to get a current status. I think he was onsite with his dinghy and some other divers on the other side. We dropped on the grey buoy, which has a line and anchor but is not directly connected to the grid. We navigated northeast, across the grid, and did get on the grid. However, we couldn't find the markers we were expecting. We followed the line north until we saw a good number of urchins to our east, and took a heading from there. Seemed like lots of urchin cover, I smashed 400 in a 59-minute dive and my buddy did the same. Not much fish life, but a beautiful tiny red octopus graced us with its presence, and then turned white in camouflage as it swam away. We doubled back to the line, headed south, and came to a corner marked S/W, which had no line, so we just decided to come up and do our safety stop midwater. Too bad, since our instructor spotted some cool baby nudibranchs in the rope last time. We had some logistical problems with vizzes and fills so called it a day. Viz was at least 5 meters.